The Zeal Of A Swindler

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… democrats have gusto, while republicans lack faith. It doesn’t matter what a democrat says, they say it with energy, they believe it to their core and they are willing to die on every mountain. Meanwhile, republicans back down at the first hint of controversy. We are unwilling to fight for our beliefs, and so our beliefs are declining, while the beliefs of the progressive faction within the democrat party are ascendant. Truth, rationality or common sense are irrelevant. The only thing that counts when effecting public opinion is energy. That is why so many have fallen under the spell of snake oil salesmen throughout history. The swindler may be selling a lie, but it sure is a pretty one, told with gusto and one nobody can do without. They have gusto while we lack will.

One common characteristic of a swindler is they have zeal for their product. Any scam artist who lacked charisma, gusto and the ability to lie, would not have a prosperous career in swindling. Those with magnetism, zest and a mouth full of lies, will be quite successful. This holds true of someone selling you the Long Island Ferry, global warming or single payer healthcare. The anatomy of all scams are the same. Someone is selling you a thing they are not capable of delivering. The trick then is to keep you distracted, off balance and greedy. Then, if the swindle is delivered with the proper excitement, at the profit to be made from a toll booth on the Tappan Zee bridge, the Mark is like putty. Of course, with global warming, single payer and the 2020 election, we are the Marks.

The best swindles have a core lie that is surrounded by an impenetrable layer of truth. Rousseau knew this. That is why he is considered an enlightenment philosopher today. He certainly didn’t believe what he preached else he would have lived it. While some of his observations were topical, and even enlightening, his conclusions were utterly wrong. The same holds true of all the really great swindlers of humanity, Marx, Hitler, Mao, etc… they all had gusto for the snake oil they were selling. Moreover, they all sold the same snake oil, under a different label. Pointing out obvious truths, then drawing fallacious conclusions, to manipulate people, very progressive. That is why the most egalitarian, equal and utilitarian nations… have always suffered despotism, famine and crimes against humanity.

One thing that will convince people, aside from the propaganda, is their own personal lives. If our fortunes are on the rise, we are willing to entertain glittering lies, but once those glittering lies fail us, so does their luster. Then we must look at the ugly truths we have been avoiding. It would be nice if everyone could live at the cost of everyone else, but that is a swindle. Who wouldn’t like to be able to magically change from human to elf, then to wolf and back to human? That is a mere manipulation though. Wouldn’t it be great if there was no more war because a global government prevented it? Which is the same snake oil sold by Marx, Hitler and Mao… re branded. As we watch our jobs go away, along with our children’s futures and our freedom, we can be comforted by the public dole and I Phones.

Which means that even though the democrats, (the swindlers), are moving pigs in pokes by the truckload today, due to the results of their policies, the cats will claw their way out of the bags eventually. We see it today with the illegal immigration crisis, the labor market inversion, energy costs skyrocketing, and wages stagnating while inflation goes hyper. Sooner or later, everyone with a brain will have to behold the ugly truth. That we have been swindled. Then we will have to start the hard work of paying off the loan we took out, to buy sea front land in Atlantis. Yup, the progressives have gusto, and that makes all the difference. We lack it, because we are not selling a lie, we are pointing out ugly truths. Sadly, their zeal trumps logic, is magnetic and drains our faith.


John Pepin

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