Is it Better to be Coddled or Free?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when things are going poorly, children turn to dad to fix it, and when things are going well, they turn to mom to be coddled. Individuals and society are the same. It’s like we have a misery quotient, and if our lives get too good, we do something to create misery for ourselves… by turning to mom. History is rife with examples. Detroit for one. In 1960 Detroit was a hub of innovation. While there were some social issues, for the most part, Detroit was a thriving metropolis. Then the democrats took over. Since they have ruled it, Detroit has become a cesspool of crime, gang violence and poverty, very progressive. It could be argued that the people of Detroit had it too good, so turned to mom to be coddled, and now it has spun out of control, they lack the ability to do anything about it.

Have you ever noticed many, if not most lottery winners, destroy themselves with the money? Instead of becoming people who use money in productive ways, the addition of uncountable wealth gives their worst impulses free reign. Monsters from their, or our ids, arise to wreak havoc our lives. You see this in the children of the idle rich. They create the problems they think they should have. Is there anyone more useless than a trustfunder? Someone incapable of doing anything productive. They cannot even be trusted to keep an appointment if it is a nice day and there are freashies on the slopes. The only difference between trustfunders and the homeless… is wealth. Both sets have equal abilities to handle money, fend for themselves in the world as it is, and maintain themselves.

This is a fundamental flaw in our natures. That we, you and I, are susceptible to. If things are going too well, we do something to disturb it. If it is a flaw in our individual natures, how much is it magnified, in society as a whole? You see this whenever a culture, state or people become too prosperous, healthy and innovative. Their cultural leaders will turn away from what made them great, to absurd ideas, facilitated by their wealth. The Bible warns of Sodom and Gomorrah. That the hedonism came from their great wealth, leisure and idleness. That cautionary tale is lost on most because of the lurid ideas used to narrate that truth. Beware of leisure, wealth and idleness, they lead us to become absurd, stupid and hedonistic. Which can only lead to our downfall.

Nevertheless, whenever things get good, we turn to mom to coddle us in absurdity, idleness and luxury. Ignoring history, canon and common sense. Take our modern wisdom… Why work when the government can coddle you with universal basic income? Why hold to outdated mores when they get in the way of hedonism? Who cares what they teach our kids? Only someone paranoid would be wary of mind control practiced on them. You have to be on Twitter and Facebook. Sexuality is for experimentation not procreation. Burning a city to overthrow the paradigm, is speaking truth to power, while protesting for a return to constitutional rule, is insurrection, etc… would you say these are dad’s philosophies, or Mom’s? Are they based on our foundational ethos or a revolutionary one?

Our childish society, apparently thinks it has it too good, so has turned to mom to be coddled into crisis. With runaway inflation, dropping birthrates, tsunami of illegal immigration, opioid epidemic, rising tide of despotism, collapse of the family, with bread and circuses, the crisis that will make us turn to dad is upon us. I wonder if we will turn to dad, else become like Detroit, and collapse utterly. When a nation is lost in the dark, it is often the cultural leaders that provide the light to navigate. Today they serve to extinguish the light. Once we are immersed in crisis, there will be new cultural leaders, dads, who will emerge. I think we have grown up and are tired of being coddled. We are searching for meaning. I pray our new cultural leaders don’t get canceled… before their lights can shine.


John Pepin

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