The Woke Indulgence

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, “Woke,” is the modern equivalent of indulgences. People publicly schooled probably have never heard of the schism, where Martin Luther nailed his complaints against the Church, to the door of the Church. One of his main problems with the Church at the time… was of indulgences. Saint Peters basilica had been built with money from them. Moreover, the very availability of an indulgence gave license to the elite, to literally become demons. Today we have the same thing, it is called being woke. A woke corporation can exploit slaves, sell dangerously defective products, and work to destroy the economy of the US with impunity, if they hate white people for slavery a century and a half ago, fund anti American organizations like BLM and protect the interests of the CCP.

An aristocrat who happened to rape a few children, could get his sins expunged by the Church at the time, by paying them for it. The Church would accept the money then pray to get his sins removed from his soul… so he could rape children with impunity. You can imagine how such a practice created monsters from men who might otherwise have been moral. Take the lid off you, me, or the Dali Lama, and there is no telling how depraved we would become. While that is a functional reason why indulgences are evil, the moral reason is just as powerful. How can someone take away the sin of another? Does anyone honestly think Jesus meant, when he bestowed the power to bind in heaven and Earth, that power was to be used to encourage the rape of children?

How is “woke” a modern form of indulgences? Woke allows corporations and rich individuals to escape the repercussions for the wrongs they inflict on the world… exactly as indulgences “erased” the sins of the sinner, who could pay. In the Middle Ages, indulgences were sold for money, today they are purchased at the low low price of a human soul. The woke indulgence requires the corporation to do evil to escape the consequences of their evil… so they can continue doing evil. To gain the woke indulgence… one must support woke, no matter how absurd, anti human or obviously evil. If woke says fire does not burn, only a hateful racist would say it does, and to prove the point, the woke will lock the hateful racists into a wicker man and set it ablaze.

You can lawyer ball it all you want, but in the end, indulgences are evil, encourage evil and produce an evil outcome on the world. Pragmatically then, all forms of indulgences, are evil. Woke is only different in the magnitude of evil it produces. While the atrocities of a single person are limited, the crimes against humanity, of multitudes of corporations, are uncountable. Moreover, with the drastic increase in efficiency of the modern technological age, atrocities can be done cheaper and with more horror to the victim. Today’s woke firm supports, organ harvesting, suppression of Hong Kong, genocide against the Uyghurs, slave labor, communism, exporting jobs from the US, CRT, undermining the US Constitution, one world government, as well as demographic change in the US and Europe.

Those of us who are as incensed by woke, as Martin Luther was of the Church’s indulgences… need to write our letter and nail it to the doors of the woke corporations. Let them know we have grievances, what they are, and how to address them. Let them know that we will no longer indulge them in woke. From now on, there will be consequences, not only for woke, but woke will draw our attention to their other peccadilloes, which we will exact a price for as well. Boycotts, campaigns against woke brands, and ridicule are our weapons. The CEOs of woke corporations are the doors. We are the Martin Luthers the world needs, right now… if we want. Shall we cede the world to woke corporations, behaving in the most evil ways imaginable, without consequence, or are we going to write a letter and nail it to a door?


John Pepin

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