Blame or Credit?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, to argue that humanity is where it is, despite the leadership of the world elite, is to say the driver has no input on where a car goes. Even a pilot with a GPS, maps and a back seat driver, is still the ultimate decision maker… as are the people who run our world. Much of the media that calls itself unbiased says, the world is a mess and its all your fault, not the elite’s but yours and mine. The longer someone has had power, the more adamant they are, we are the problem, not them. This is the premise of almost every news program. It is hammered into our heads that the world is a dumpster fire because of us. What laws the elite pass, what laws they enforce… or don’t, have no bearing. If anyone deserves the credit or blame for where we are today, it is the faction in charge.

In the US there is a uniparty that transcends republican or democrat labels. These are just team names so we can root for one or the other. You know, like the Red Sox and the NY Yankees. A rivalry that keeps people focused on the irrelevant. So the world can be run by a wise, learned and beneficent cadre of experts, who have everyone’s interest in mind. Themselves guided by dark lords behind the scenes. There are a few holdouts and they are being dealt with. That whole MAGA phenomenon has been canceled by big tech and the media. Those like Rand Paul, Marjory Taylor Greene and Donald Trump are enigmas. Rand has been assaulted multiple times, MTG has met unprecedented animosity from the establishment, and Trump, well, the impeachments and 2020 election fraud says it all.

It is an elegant swindle, to get the passengers in a bus to believe they are the reason it is careening off the road. Using the strategies of famous propagandists, it can be done… and is being done before our eyes. Tell a lie, repeat it often enough and even people who know better, will start to believe. It’s like getting on an elevator when everyone is facing the back. Most people will follow the apparent custom and face the back. Even though we all know you face the front. We are sheep they can trick to make it easier to rule unimpeded. The more the elite screw up the world, the more shame their victims have for it. A pimp should be so good at manipulation. Since, to most people, appearance is reality, if it can be made to appear, many will believe. Nevertheless, there is a driver, and we aint him.

How did the elitist blame populism for the problems of the world? Because democracy put him in charge, regardless if the elections were rigged. The appearance of being elected gives Biden’s rule legitimacy. The sudden change since Biden started reigning by executive order, highlights the new direction the elite want to take us… off the road. Now they have ejected all real opposition from the table, they can get back to ruining the world for us, and making it heaven for them. If the Soros’, Rothschilds and Rockefellers of the world, didn’t want riots in South Africa, 70,000 plus overdose deaths a year, and replacement of the US population, these things wouldn’t be happening. They are the ones driving this bus and therefore they are the ones who decide where it goes.

The real power brokers are not the elected officials but the masters who pull their strings. We are where we are, and going where we are going… because they want it. Not because you live in the suburbs, own a gun, or eat meat. It is because they want to create a world where we eat bugs, while they eat Kobi beef, we walk, while they fly private jets, and most of all… we don’t clutter up their world. Agreeing we are the problem, when the elite who run the world so clearly are, is agreeing to be the oppressed and take the blame for it. When the news offends you with a new atrocity against humanity, put the blame squarely where it belongs, at the feet of the elite. They run the show, they take credit if anything goes right, so blame is their due when things go wrong. Pay them their due. It is only just.


John Pepin

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