The Silencing Of Speech

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there has been an assault on the freedom of speech of constitutionalists for a decade, and is now coming to a head. Highlighted by Obama’s IRS targeting conservatives and the recent coordinated announcement that Alex Jones is banned. The banning of Alex Jones, a person I don’t particularly think has a great deal of value, is the small edge of the wedge. Almost daily we are told of violent protests where ANTIFA protesters bring batons, sticks and other weapons to attack conservatives, one can only presume the violence is intended to silence. We have seen this movie before, in Russia, China, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, and now in the US and Europe. The players names are different, but the plan is the same, exploit violence to suppress political speech, to create autocracy.

Free speech is the antidote to violence while quelling free speech promotes violence. We all have much more in common than the political elite would allow us to know. Our differences are small but the similarities are great. Discourse allows us to understand where we agree and where we differ. It is the antidote to political violence. Those who can talk to each other can iron out differences with communication, recognize that we are more alike than unalike and that we have a common goal. This leads to peaceful solutions to political problems. Those who don’t want a peaceful solution however, will shut down free speech. So, we have to decide if we want violence as the final arbiter of what is right… or discourse. If we cannot talk to each other though, violence becomes inevitable.

Political violence is always initiated by those seeking evil. People who seek peace don’t use violence as their default practice, those who seek power and suffering do. When Alexander invaded Persia he did it by violence, when Hitler took power, he initially tried the Beer hall Putsch. Lenin exploited violence and terror during the revolution by sending his thugs to small towns to round up Mensheviks. Lenin’s thugs would cut a small incision in the Menshevik’s side and pull out a bit of intestine, and nail it to a tree. Then the Marxists would whip him or her, so they would crawl around the tree, winding their intestines around it. After they had unreeled all their intestines around the tree, the Marxists would leave them to die, a slow and horrible death… as an example. The Gulags followed.

The political violence today is a direct result of the machinations of the left. The left seeks to use violence and censorship, as did Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler, to forward their agenda of socialism. The left has always believed that the ends justify the means, and they are so enamored with their idea of utopia, that there is not a bridge they will not cross getting there. That is why constitutionalists and conservatives are attacked in restaurants, the streets, the media and even our own homes. Political violence today is the abyss that Germany looked into in 1937, it is the darkness that led to the killing fields, and is done by people with the exact same agenda. Psychopaths who seek total power over us will never go away, they can only be controlled, by free speech and impatience with their violence.

We live in a time where political violence and silencing of constitutionalists, is not only allowed, but encouraged by many in positions of power. The media that calls itself unbiased tacitly justify political violence, with rhetoric, like calling the victims of it… “white supremacists.” Yet, a cursory glance at history shows that communists and socialists are responsible for far more atrocities than any white supremacist, one hundred million people slaughtered by socialists, in the twentieth century alone! Today they are silencing the low hanging fruit, like Alex Jones, tomorrow they will silence Jordan Peterson and Rush Limbaugh, and after that… you and I. Their evil agenda is clear, it is made manifestly obvious by their use of violence and censorship. Those who go along… abet the crime.


John Pepin

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