Psychopaths should be barred from office!!!!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every man and woman who works in any capacity for government, especially elected officials and the top of the bureaucratic hydra, should be tested for the personality disorders… psychopathy and sociopathy. That is just common sense. No one in their right mind would knowingly put a psychopath into the President’s office… unless they are diabolical. It should be obvious that people without a sense of compassion, empathy, morality or judgment, should be anywhere near the levers of power… in any society. Obviously, those in power will vigorously block any such efforts as discriminatory and mean. Because they know they are psychopaths and sociopaths and don’t want the gravy train to end.

Sociopathy is characterized by a lack of emotions other than anger. The sociopath has an emotional congenital birth defect. They are unable to feel the empathy that the rest of us do. They don’t get enjoyment from cuddling a puppy. Kittens hold no attraction for them. A sociopath will kill you, or promote you, without a care… if either forwards their agenda. A sociopath cannot feel remorse, shame, regret or loss. As a result they are rational immoral machines that do only what benefits them. I have to wonder if they are born somehow without a soul. Since the soul is the seat of compassion, empathy and all the virtues. In truth, we should feel very sorry for people born with such a disability. Nevertheless, sociopaths are utterly unqualified to lead a marching band, let alone a nation.

Psychopathy is the next step beyond sociopathy in that the psychopath gets enjoyment from the suffering of others. People have a misguided view of psychopaths. They believe all psychopaths are like Ted Bundy, but many are cagey enough to seek power over a people, to make a nation suffer, rather than one person at a time. It is far more efficient. The intelligent psychopaths follow this path while the stupid ones become John Wayne Gacy. Who, by all accounts, appeared like a normal family man, while he was murdering and torturing children. Perhaps this is why the elite are so adamant to protect access to children for pedophilesthey are the consumers. We know this by the constant stream of pedophile scandals by government officials… that only come to light after they die. (And are burning in Hell).

We have to ask ourselves, do we want people with absolute power who’s only enjoyment is the suffering of others? We do… if we desire more suffering on this planet, for us and our children. Why wouldn’t a psychopath start a war… he or she cares nothing for the soldiers that will die horribly. In fact, that is a very good reason for a psychopath to start a war, to enjoy all that suffering… and the joy that comes with manipulating people into self harm. Another quality of psychopathy is that the psychopath is very charismatic. Their lack of shame, empathy and morality allow them to manipulate others with aplomb. While their charisma, lack of shame, and glibness makes them extremely electable. The two places you are most likely to find a gaggle of sociopaths and psychopaths, is prison or congress.

Our world is in the shape it is in, because our government’s and corporations are all too often led by psychopaths. Numerous studies have proven it. Sociopaths and psychopaths will claim I seek to sterilize, marginalize and even kill them, out of bigotry, which is patently manipulative… I am NOT saying they should be barred from life, only government. Everyone standing for office, elected official, and bureaucrat five levels down from the top should be tested, by a panel of qualified psychologists. If they are found to be sociopaths or psychopaths, they should be given a years severance, along with their medical benefits and allowed to keep accrued pension,.. but fired immediately. Treat them more fairly than they treat us, after all, we are not psychopaths.. we only seek to defend ourselves from them.


John Pepin

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