The Rise of the Church of Secularism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive zealots might want to learn from history, since they seek to take the place of the Catholic Church of the 11th century. They lust after the unquestioned authority of the Church in those times. Of course, the progressives will use that unearned, unlimited and unwise power, in an enlightened manner. To enact the program they have long desired, population control, eugenics, a single language, one world government, and reason based morality. I am not pulling this from my derriere and expecting you to swallow it, they are all laid out on the Georgia Guide stones. Their ten commandments, raison d’etre, or faith… if you will. They only see the heady days of the Church’s totalitarian power, not the fall that came later, and continues to this day.

In the 11th century the Catholic church had absolute power, vested from God, or so they claimed. They had ignored the Holy Bible however. God himself had granted the Jews Israel, yet twice, their sins had so angered God, he removed them from it. They had forgot that God grants to the worthy, and if their sons and daughters become unworthy, God has no compunction whatsoever of removing that good. Others may argue that it isn’t God, Fortuna or Ares that removes the good, but merit. Those who merit, get and those who do not, lose. The leaders of the Church at the time, thought that because they could trace their authority all the way back to Peter Simon, they had God given authority… despite their corruption. God however gave Peter that authority, because he had earned it, they had to as well.

Our psychopathic would be Popes, Cardinals and Archbishops of the church of secularism, think they merit absolute power. They have fed Moloch better than he has ever been fed before, they have demonstrated they hold tradition, morality and law in contempt, and they have even announced their intentions to their victims to satisfy Lucifer, now they believe their time has come. Anyone who stands in their way will be canceled, their homes surrounded by angry “protesters” and perhaps imprisoned. People who seek unlimited power, do it, to use it. Such people become enraged at anything that gets between them and that unlimited power they so richly deserve. Since they are starting out corrupt, (the Jews and Church had to be corrupted) their rise will be short, and their fall epic.

As with all would be saviors, they announced their plans for us on their equivalent of Moses’ tablets, the Georgia Guide Stones. In it they lay out their utopian plans. Slaughter the human race from 6 billion down to 500 million, experiment with eugenics on the survivors, temper all faith with reason (as determined by them), create fair (to them) courts and laws, establish a world government where nations become states, balance off rights with duties, embrace the subjective, and leave room for nature. All laudable goals… to Satan. They have a plan, they have shown it to us, and now they are acting on it. Even as they liable anyone who points to their own words as conspiracy theorists. That plan is to be our rulers, unlimited in power, omniscient in surveillance, and accepted as unquestionable Brainiacs.

The Catholic church got its comeuppance… and sooner or later, so will the progressives. Their arrogance rivals that of any Pope, Shiva zealot or Aztec Priest. So their just desserts will be all the more desserty. Because if the height of the fall can be predicted, by the arrogance of the climber, the fall of the church of secularism will far exceed that of the Catholic church. It will probably look a bit more like that of Sodom. Especially since Sodom is the template they seek to impose on the world. That fall will take a lot of innocents with it. We could avoid it all. Because, as a philosopher once said, “What makes a king, a king? Public opinion.” If we laugh at, ridicule and disobey them, for being the posers they are, they can only be despots in their psychopathic dreams… not our woke nightmares.


John Pepin

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