Should Fear Supersede Rights?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the argument that our Rights can be abridged, because of covid, is based on the exact same premise as the Salem Witch Trials. That is, the fear of the masses supersedes the Rights of the individual. That same premise has been used to justify genocide as well. It is all purpose spurious logic. The fear of something, almost always imaginary, is used to justify taking someones Rights. When a disease would pass through ancient Rome, they would round up a few Vestal Virgins and kill them, to ward off the plague. We are using the same logic they used, to justify lockdowns, enforced mask wearing and social distancing. We pretend we are so metropolitan, enlightened and woke, but in the end, threaten us with a disease, even one with a 99.97 survival rate, and we line up to burn the witch.

Fear is a powerful motivator of men… usually for evil. No way is this more true than if we are terrified of an ethereal threat. A lion will either be vanquished, else it will eat us, either way the fear is short lived. But man alone has the ability to fear a thing that he cannot see, hear, touch or smell… we can uniquely fear a thing that is virtually no threat at all, because we have created and magnified it in our minds, to the point we lose the ability to think rationally. That fear, the fear of the unknown, the ethereal, can be suffered for days, weeks and even years. The fear of the imagined can drive our endocrine system for decades, aging us at double speed. As we rapidly age, lose rational thought and have no where to run, we become like cornered animals, violent, egoistic and narcissistic.

All the great crimes against humanity started with smaller crimes committed because of fear. The trite and overused example of the Holocaust, started with smaller crimes, which escalated into larger ones, culminating in genocide, not only of the Jews but of other ethnic minorities. All started by irrational fears. Irrational fears are the best fears though… they allow despots to control masses of people like a computer does bits in memory. Anyone who plans to commit crimes against humanity, genocide or establish a totalitarian state, must first sow an irrational, ethereal and unending fear in the people. Then get us to act on that fear, small steps at first, growing to larger ones, culminating in… Who knows what a psychopath has in mind for his victims?

The crimes against the people committed in the name of fear of the Wuhan Flu are astounding. A young mother tazed for not wearing a mask, outdoors, distant from anyone else was a crime, that it was done at her child’s game made it unconscionable. In Quebec Canada a man was tazed at a Tim Robbins for ordering a coffee without a mask. A Pastor is in prison, right now, in Canada for not enforcing social distancing on his flock. The vaunted court system has not come to the rescue of our enumerated freedoms. In fact in most cases the courts have sided with the despots over our Constitution. The very document and idea that gives them authority in the first place. They have strongly alluded it is because of their fear, of the Wuhan Flu, riots, or being chastised at afternoon tea.

When my fear outweighs your right to pray, assemble, speak, shop, work, etc… my fear is oppressing both you and I. The answer is not to force you to bend to my fear, but to force me to face my fear, so neither of us are oppressed by it. That is not the paradigm favored by our elite however. They nurture, husband and fertilize our fear, so it can grow into a mighty psychic affliction. Then all they need do is point us at the “witch.” We will do the rest. May I offer a different path? Perchance, if instead of allowing ourselves to be ruled by irrational fear, we grow up and face it down, so no one need be oppressed by it. Be the strong men, instead of the weak men in that old adage, “Hard times make strong men, strong men make easy times, easy times make weak men, and weak men make hard times…”


John Pepin

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