The Propagandists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the media that calls itself unbiased, has had a bad week. They reported that some kids from a Catholic school were mean to a native American, that story proved to be completely false, but has led to death threats against the teens. The unbiased media reported that Trump had ordered Cohen to lie before congress, a completely fake story, nevertheless the media that calls itself unbiased… breathlessly demanded impeachment. Before that, the media reported that an angelic little 7 year old black girl, was shot by a white skinned blue eyed racist, in a drive by shooting in Houston. That was fake as well, the shooter as it turns out, was a black guy with brown eyes. When peddling propaganda, it is best not to get caught… but the media that calls itself unbiased keeps getting caught.

The media that calls itself unbiased often fabricates “news” to smear constitutionalists, conservatives and libertarians, it is a matter of course for them. NBC with their exploding car, CBS with their bombshell three days before an election, and the spiking of the Wikipedia revelations, all dressed up as news. These stories however are truly evil in that they seek to create and channel violence. Stochastic terrorism if you will. In the case of the school kids, the media’s false narrative has resulted in death threats against children, threats against a school and their parents jobs being made vulnerable. Even as the real story about the racist group that was indeed chanting hate was ignored. In the case of the little angelic girl, the story was intended to create hostility between the races.

When passing off propaganda as news, one must maintain the appearance of legitimacy, else the propaganda will loose much of it’s effectiveness. That is why the media calls itself unbiased to hide their profound and pernicious bias. They seek to discredit any alternative news sources as fake, because those alternative news sources so often expose the fake news of the propagandists. They point to people telling the truth, as reason not to believe them, while at the same time claiming the fact they lie, proves they can be trusted. Lies are truth and truth is a lie. Newspeak if I have ever heard it. No one is unbiased, to claim to be, is a lie. The more someone lies to me, the less I trust them, and in the case of the media that calls itself unbiased, you can tell when they are lying, because their lips are moving.

The sad part is that children who did nothing wrong, but were used as pawns, are facing death threats, their parents careers are in jeopardy and their lives have been turned upside down. Imagine how empty a heart must be to target children for death threats? What lack of a moral compass would drive someone to direct violence at a school? What diabolical reason would someone have to lie about the color of the skin of an attacker? Only people lacking in a conscience could do such things, yet we are supposed to believe everything they say, without question? Only a fool of the highest order would listen to people who, by their own actions, have proven themselves to be sociopathic liars, intent on the destruction of Enlightenment and Christian values.

Yes, it has been a bad week for the propagandists, who call themselves the unbiased media. Lying is nothing new but getting caught is a real problem to them. The rise of information sources, that don’t lie about their political affiliations, has resulted in many lies being discovered. As more of their lies are exposed their standing must be diminished. Perhaps this is why they have become so unhinged of late. They see their ability to control our minds with propaganda, melting away, along with their credibility. That is enough to make any psychopath anxious. It is time to give the media that calls itself unbiased, a long hard look, and seeing they are the propaganda arm of the Globalist progressives, it is past time to laugh at everything they say… Because that is all their reports are good for anymore.


John Pepin

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