Keeping Up Appearances

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our entire society, government and culture has become a sham, where we don’t have justice, only the appearance of justice, we don’t have democracy, only the appearance of democracy, we don’t have a two party system, only the appearance of a two party system, we don’t have freedom, only the appearance of freedom, we don’t have access to real information, only the appearance of information, and we don’t have representation in government, only the appearance of representation. We all know this in our hearts but we lie to ourselves… that we still live in a Constitutional Republic, even though the Constitution is no longer followed, it has evolved, and we are too afraid to face the fact our legal system has become arbitrary, so we stay in the lie, to keep us comfortable about the sham.

Evil must appear good, else evil will be recognized, and rejected. Never has evil openly and boldly draped itself in it’s own hideous cape. It has always and everywhere sought the appearance of good, so by machinations, it could materialize evil in the world. When the Aztecs cut the hearts out of thousands of screaming victims, they didn’t think they were doing evil, they thought they were saving the world. Yet, as we see, they were both lied to and lied to themselves. The slaughter stopped but the world didn’t. So all the evil they did in the name of good, was only indeed evil. When the Carthaginians burned thousands of their own babies alive, to satisfy Moloch, no good came of it, it was simply evil. Yet they thought it was good. Evil always seeks to appear good, else it will be recognized.

The greatest evils have been done by people who convinced themselves, that only by doing great evil, can good come about. Moreover, appearances allow psychopaths and sociopaths to rule the world through manipulation, fraud and trickery. People without a conscience need to manipulate those who seek good, into doing evil, and the means is always the same, convince them that by doing evil they are in fact doing good. That is how the Nazis convinced people to slaughter the mentally retarded and psychotic. Goebbels would produce propaganda films, (like was made legal in the US a few years ago), that would show profoundly retarded and handicapped people and ask the question, “Would you want to be forced to live like this?” The answer was always a resounding, NO!

It is appearances that allows evil to manipulate normal people into doing evil, and appearances create a sham, a fraud, a fiction if you will. The fiction that one lives under one kind of society when in fact they live under a completely different one. The ancient Romans were such people. After Octavius pronounced himself Caesar, Rome was no longer a Republic, but a dictatorship, that called itself a Republic. It wasn’t really a republic, it only sought to appear as a republic. The leaders lied to the people and the people lied to themselves. Everyone was happy as the culture, economy, vassal states and even the idea of what it was to be Roman, was eviscerated. When one lies to oneself and believes they live in a Market system, when they don’t, they become complicit in both the lie… and the results.

If you take a hard look at the news you can only conclude our government doesn’t follow our Constitution, it only seeks to appear to, else how can the term, “Shall not be infringed…” be so difficult to understand? How can freedom of religion turn into freedom from religion? I am not sure how they pried the right to slaughter millions of babies into the Constitution, but they did… all showing we don’t have Constitutional rule, only the appearance of Constitutional rule. So where do appearances lead? As I have hinted at throughout this article, they lead to the worse possible outcomes. By accepting the lie we abet the crime. You know in your heart our representatives, the media and our education system, are only means of maintaining the sham, keeping up appearances. We must stop accepting the lie.


John Pepin

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