The Only Thing We Have To Fear… Is Fear Itself

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Wuhan flu has given the elite a taste of despotism, and they have found they like it, they like it a lot. They like it so much, they are considering a “great reset,” as a way to buy the company. So the despotism, that is so delectable to them, can last forever. Everything progressives find obnoxious, they can simply order closed, while those things progressives like, they allow. That is why in progressive run places, looting a store is acceptable and will not be punished, but having Grammy over for Christmas, warrants an armed police raid. Such powers are like heroine to the elite. Now they have tasted the drug of tyranny, they have lost all ability to self control, and so are going on an epic binge, and taking our parents, siblings and children along for the ride.

The source of the arbitrary power they love so much, is the fear of an invisible enemy… the Kung flu. If you watch the nightly news, it is all Kung flu all the time. Nothing but how we are doomed by the monkey king. Meanwhile, in our own lives, (reality) the evidence is in, the CCPandemic is far less deadly than we were told. Shockingly, like almost everything else we have been told about it, was a lie. The point isn’t the lie, we are told nothing but lies by the media, government and culture. The point is fear. We must stay afraid. Fear hands our oppressors power. Were we to wake up and recognize there is little real danger in the Corona virus, their power would dissipate like the ghost it is. Our fear of an intangible threat is the foundation of their Tower of Death.

There is a difference between a chicken and a dog. Both are fed, both are housed and both are protected from predation. Both probably think they are members of the family. Only the dog is though, the chicken, sooner or later will feed the family… and the dog. We would be wise to remember that truism, because you and I are not the dogs, nor will we ever be, we are the chickens. Sooner or later we will feed the elite and their dogs. I would rather take my chances in the wild rather than a “safe” cage. Many would not. They prefer a safe cage to a dangerous world. Because that is what we have been taught in the government monopoly education system. We were taught to be roasters, not hawks. Yet we consider ourselves to be hawks… living in a chicken coop.

The smart victim realizes he or she is a victim, not a guard or emperor, and acts accordingly. Part of being a victim is being afraid. That fear holds us in victim mode. Whether the terror is from propaganda, an invisible tiger or neuroticism, fear leads to dependence and dependence leads to victimhood. The first thing then is to drop the fear as much as possible. To do this we must unplug from sources that peddle fear. Simply turn your back on the invisible lions and walk out of the Forum. The elite will tell you to stay afraid, those invisible lions could grab you any moment, it is only the elite’s vigilance that keeps them at bay. Listen to their siren call and stay a victim, to be eaten sooner or later by real lions, else stand up and walk out. Stop playing their game of fear and dependency.

Only independent people can be free of fear. The wise among us strive always to be a little more independent today then yesterday. That is why the elite shut down churches but encourage opioid addiction, raid family gatherings but allow riots, and censor us as fake news while lying to our faces. To keep us dependent. The CCPandemic is not the Walking Dead virus, it is an invisible tiger, ready to disappear at any moment. Only held in existence by the constant droning of progressive sorcerers. They had their fun, now it’s time to take away the crack pipe and put the elite to bed, to sleep it off. They have done plenty of damage already, why make it permanent with a great reset? Else we become hawks building our own coop… only to wonder what happened to the sky.


John Pepin

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