Are We Ruled or Led?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have rulers, not leaders. What is the difference? Rulers derive their power at the barrel of a gun, while leaders by force of personality. Rulers rule from the back while leaders lead from the front. Rulers demand of others, that which they would never do, while leaders lead by example. Rulers are faithless while leaders are faithful, rulers say God is on their side, while leaders strive to be on God’s side. Leaders keep the best interests of everyone in mind, they serve society, while rulers only their own, society serves them… all showing rulers are far different from leaders. It is an important thing to recognize, because seeing a politician for who and what they are, allows us to make informed decisions. Else inevitably, we will be ruled, not led.

They say that you can judge a man’s character by how he treats the waiter or waitress. People who abuse those below them are themselves stone hearted. While people who treat those below, as they treat those above, are human hearted. If we accept this and apply it to leaders or rulers, it is obvious, that leaders exhibit human heartedness in their interactions, while rulers practice hardheartedness. Leaders care… rulers don’t. To glean this information, one has to listen to what those who have served the various politicians, say about them. Are they called courteous, friendly and caring, or rude, mean, and condescending? Do the maids, aides, etc… like them? Are they hardhearted or human hearted? This is one way we can discern those who would rule us from those who would lead us.

There is a book out there titled, Leaders Eat Last, it is a book about leadership. I find the title itself to be interesting. The concept that a leader eats last seems foreign to someone who grew up in the Twentieth century. Our elected representatives not only eat first, they refuse any personal sacrifice, are utterly untrustworthy, and are above their own laws. By the measure of that book, those that hold positions of authority today, are not leaders, but rulers. This goes for the bureaucrat as much as the congressman or President. They all lead or rule due to their positions in our society. Their authority does not come from personal charisma, but state power… political, military and police. What makes them authorities? Public opinion. It is only public opinion that gives them any real power at all.

The culture of an organization is created by it’s leaders… or rulers. People follow their leaders. If a leader is corrupt, rude and uncaring, the entire organization will eventually follow and be corrupt, rude and indifferent. This goes for a small business, corporation, or government. The culture of any organization is directly effected by the leadership. The culture then colors every interaction with it for the good or bad. A small business ruled like a despotism will not last long in a capitalist system. A corporation ruled by corrupt, rude and indifferent people, will last longer, but must eventually succumb to its own malevolence. Government however, can last a very long time ruled by corrupt, rude and uncaring people. Making it far more pernicious when government is ruled… not led.

How can we transform those in authority from rulers to leaders? The most important point is that rulers rule from darkness while leaders lead in the light. Our bureaucrats, judges, legislators and Presidents can be encouraged to be leaders, rather than rulers, by enforcing absolute transparency in government. If they know their every phone call, conversation, and meeting is posted to the internet in real time, for anyone to see, they will be discreet. If they know they will be held to every law they foist on the rest of us, they will be more careful in what laws they pass, and if they are ostracized from power, if caught undermining our constitution and its limits on their authority, they will have no choice but to follow it. Scald the rulers with cleansing light. Make ruling impossible… and we will be led, not ruled.


John Pepin

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