The Next Boogeyman

Dear Comrades,

It seems to me, while we dedicated socialist zealots only make up around ten percent of the population, we can and will continue to win, with our trident strategy… fear, cancel culture and vote fraud. The first, fear, allows us to oppress as we see fit. The second, cancel culture, is a swindle to control the narrative and make our victims think we are the majority, as did our glorious forefather, Lenin. The last, vote fraud, cements the lie in the minds of those we plan to oppress, that we are the majority, forever. While this strategy has served us well, and butchered many a conservative, it may be growing long in the tooth. Primarily due to dwindling anxiety among the sheep. Constant fear mongering of our media worked for 2020, but we need a new source of ethereal terror for 2021, and beyond.

It is best not to use the same strategy on an enemy twice in a row, so a disease is out, even though our minion Fauci, has a few more in the wings. Perhaps send a trial balloon up, a new strain of bird flu, and see how that flies. We can try that but the hoi polloi might be getting wise to us. Those who allowed it slip, we were killing grandma and grandpa to gin up the numbers, will pay. Pay dearly. We have to make them examples so no one else will report the truth again. We already see it with the knowledge of the Sars 2 Covid 19 creation becoming allowed. How did that happen? These failures, will be punished, like all evil organizations punish failure… with piranha. All of which has made our using another lab grown disease, to strike terror into the hearts of the people, inconvenient… for now.

The new dread we create, need not be reasonable or even sane, in fact, the fear we choose should be ludicrous. So when people are forced to knuckle under, the inner humiliation of knowing they are bending to absurdity will be all the more dehumanizing… like people who are still wearing masks! They have to, else accept they are dupes! The chumps! We can recruit future death camp guards from those dupes. They can form the core of our new mindless mob. I propose we look into what makes them scared at night. Then husband, nurse and gently encourage it, with the media, academia and the administrative state, into a full blown panic. I know, some of you are still mad, that global warming has turned cold. We were not acidic enough with our censorship. Some still believe their own eyes.

Don’t fret fellow villains, we have not abandoned Anthropogenic Climate Change, that is a hoax we plan to ride into global despotism. While those who live in reality are harder to convince, people who live in a fantasy, are as easily manipulated as ever. Which means we still have the minds, spirits and souls of the idle rich.. especially third generation and beyond. They are so stupid, they think flying a private jet to a global warming conference, with a shopping stopover in Paris and lunch in Madrid… helps the planet. All we have to do to keep the tap open is manipulate the little people into eating bugs. That should make the idle rich happy. Nothing makes fillet magnon taste better than knowing everyone else has to eat bugs. Climate change hysteria is the way to get the 99.99% to eat them. For the planet.

Perhaps a UFO scare? That is sufficiently absurd, ethereal and un-testable. The reason the government didn’t release the information before, was to keep the people from panicking. Since blind panic is what we want… the answer seems obvious. Claim aliens are flying around our top secret bases, all the time, they are unstoppable, and have hostile intent. Then the hoi polloi will beg us to oppress them! Moo Ha Ha! For now, my corrupt allies in legacy media, academia and bureaucracy, keep up the fear mongering, silence those goody two shoes truth tellers, and keep up the lies! We will be rolling out the next boogeyman soon… soon my friends, soon. There is nothing we will not do for power, no bridge we will not cross, then burn! Let’s chant together, “Tyranny, enmity and poverty for the masses, Forever!”


John Pepin

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