Our Amazing Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our elite are amazing people, having evolved beyond cognitive dissonance. Their absolute outrage at slavery, practiced by those who outlawed it before they outlawed it, is given context, character and texture, by the fact they have no problem whatsoever, with modern day slavery. In fact, they create the conditions for it, (as in Libya), protect those engaged in it, (as in the US southern boarder), and actively participate, (Epstein’s protected pedophile clientele). Obviously they are mad that Western civilization outlawed it. When the elite became enraged and sent a dozen FBI agents to investigate a tangled rope, for racist undertones, while ignoring the Biden lap top, the Russia collusion hoax perpetrators and 2020 election fraud, the FBI might as well be Duncan doughnuts.

Why let a little hypocrisy bother you anyway? If they are benefiting from it, a justifying person would be comforted, not disquieted. If you seek to rule the world and run the economy, as rationally as possible, you have to rationalize. Now, when someone knows they are doing, what they are doing… for the benefit of mankind, that knowledge goes a long way to reassuring themselves… they benefit. They might have to break a few eggs, too bad for the eggs, but if you want broken eggs… The combination of self aggrandizement, wealth and power, give them the sure knowledge they are doing what is best… for the social order. What could be better than to rule by orders then? Especially by Great Men, who have no shame, morality or humanity, people capable of making the hard decisions.

No matter how they evolved, beyond normal humanity, that upgrade has given them amazing abilities. The ability to lie to our faces, only smirking rarely, to manipulate children into self harm, for fun and profit, while relieving themselves on the very edifice that gives them authority in the first place. Then using our Constitution to wipe up after. While a toddler can lie, even a toddler cannot maintain outrageous lies forever. Not like our elite. They are special. They are clever too. Imagine, setting up a system, where the worse you make it, the more power you are given? That is genius, psychopathic, but genius. The simple diabolical notion being, a political faction that “serves” the poor and downtrodden, must make sure there are always plenty of poor and downtrodden. Like a tennis ball machine… balls.

Today’s elite are truly epitomize Thrasymachus the sophist’s Great Men. Thrasymachus famously said justice is a trick the Great Men play on the little men. Where the Great Men want to rule, start wars, and rape women, the little men only want to live their lives, raise a family and contribute to society. “Justice” is the swindle that holds the little men down and calls their subjugation “just.” Because, according to Thrasymachus and our Great Men leaders today, justice is whatever the elite say it is. Making it not a standard but a tool of two year olds. People with the cunning intellect of a toddler. Our elite today are so astoundingly good at manipulating people into self harm, their policies create a steady stream of trans slaves. Raping normal women has lost its luster for them… they have evolved.

They really are something… the elite. In a sane world they would be in prison, in ours, they make the world a prison, they run. Very progressive. We have, continue to, and will do nothing to prevent monsters, capable of anything, to have power over us and our children. Because it is too hard for us to write a letter, lead by example or even stand up to social media. It is much easier to watch our children tricked into self sterilization to be a sex toy for a pedophile, die of fentanyl overdose, and be bequeathed a world far diminished from the one we were. We really are little men in every sense of the term. While our leaders are great men, in the most despicable sense of that term. Brain reset Nancy Pelosi, dementia Joe Biden and plastic Kamala walk into a bar.. so it opens.


John Pepin

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