The History of Societies that Abandoned Their Foundational Ethos

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there is one lesson of history that is universal, that is, once a people abandon their foundational ethos, societal myth or whatever else you want to call it, that society is doomed. When a society abandons its foundational ethos, it always has and always will, lead to disaster. Because it causes the end of that society. It leads to revolution. Revolutions are extremely stressful events that usually lead to despotism. Now, if a society is in despair due to famine, disease, despotism and hopelessness, revolution is in order. In a society that wallows in wealth, good health, relative liberty with a foundational ethos based on hope, revolution is stupid. Idiots who think a revolution overthrowing such a society is good, must be too stupid to breathe…. else manipulated into self harm.

Rome was invincible until it abandoned it’s societal ethos. A marshal people who’s greatest virtue was victory in battle. That abandonment led to the Western Roman empire turning to mercenaries to protect them and their amassed wealth. Eventually, the mercenaries realized, why fight for a tiny part of that wealth, when they could just take it all… so they did. Sparta had a pathological societal ethos. One that was as perverted as it was psychopathic. Nevertheless, Sparta succeeded, until it abandoned it’s ethos of iron money, black broth, abusing boys and constant training… for one of luxury. Civilizations collapse because they turn away from their foundational ethos. Our society is no different, if we do, our children’s heritage will be famine, disease, despotism and hopelessness.

We are abandoning our foundational ethos in every way possible… and that turning away is speeding up, despite the people’s protestations. Because the progressive faction is in control of our institutions. Being post modernists, they are willing to pervert long standing institutions to forward their political agenda… to completely destroy western civilization and our foundational ethos. If you listen, progressives are not shy about saying it. BLM openly states it seeks to replace the nuclear family. While Netflix pumps progressivism directly into your child’s head. They want fundamental change, which can only be reasonably interpreted as abandoning our foundational ethos, that is what fundamental change is. Most people however are not onboard with that fundamental of a change.

In the turning away from our foundational ethos the elite are forcing the issue. They are followers of post modernism. Which posits that there is no right and wrong, there is no justice and no objective truth… post modernists reject Enlightenment principles, (modernism) and Christianity, totally… for Lucifarian post modernism. Post modernism is to be the replacement for our foundational ethos of modernism tempered by Christianity. In the post modernist progressive mindset, all things are means to power. To them, mathematics, science, history, logic, etc… are racist constructs that enforce the dominant paradigm of white supremacism and western patriarchal hegemony. The democrat voter imagines revolution will bring Utopia, not realizing, it is far more likely to bring Hell on Earth.

Here we are, at the precipice with the ones driving the car determined to go over the edge, while most of us frantically grasp at the wheel trying to pull back to safety. Those driving the car however will not be dissuaded. They know that the car can fly…. if they are driving it. All the others that went over the cliff, demolished at the bottom, prove it will work this time. Maybe they are right, maybe this time it won’t end like every upheaval since the French Revolution. Perhaps there will not be a Robespierre to initiate rivers of blood. It is always possible we could all be eating nothing but unicorn tenderloins after the revolution… but I don’t think so. It is far more likely we will end up at the bottom of that cliff, broken and on fire, democrats screaming in agony, “How could this possibly have happened?”


John Pepin

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