Is the System Malfunctioning… or the Parts?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if your car didn’t start one morning, and you found the spark plugs were all broken, you probably wouldn’t replace the engine but keep the malfunctioning spark plugs… would you? Clearly, that would not solve the problem, but would introduce dozens of others as well. That is exactly what progressives are convincing us to do with our system of government. They are like the malfunctioning spark plugs, telling us the engine’s design is the problem, that we need a different engine but keep the spark plugs that don’t work. As if they will in a new engine. That is the level of absurdity we are being convinced of. It is lost on me how we can know not to replace an engine when a part breaks, but replace that part… yet in politics, the failed part gets to dictate what engine it is put in?

The choice of our broken political parts, spark plugs that do not spark, belts that are too loose, nuts that are broken and plugged air cleaners, all prefer to be put in a socialist engine. The high performance capitalist one is too demanding of their fragile natures. A wood fired steam powered socialist engine better fits their desires. It, of course, has no need of spark plugs, belts and air cleaners, but in their arrogance, ignorance and hubris they demand we replace our nitro methane fueled motor… and we are. While a high efficiency engine can be very small compared to the vehicle, a wood fired steam engine must necessarily be big, taking up a large portion of the contrivance, as do the piles of wood needed to fuel it. So we are creating a hyper inefficient hybrid steam/nitro methane powered chimera.

The more logical choice, the one that we must not take, would be to replace the defective parts for ones that will do their job. Which would be vindictive. That’s what the broken parts tell us anyway. In the real world, building a steam generator atop a car and feeding steam into the engine to push the pistons, so spark plugs don’t have to spark… would be stupid. Yet that is exactly what we are doing to our government. Instead of replacing judges who do not follow the law and our Constitutions we just allow them to be perverted. Rather than voting in new politicians to replace the ones caught in corruption, we allow the corrupted politicians to use election fraud, censorship and lies to get back in. We are manipulated by the failed parts by their childish taunts, “Your a hater!” We wisely reply, “Am not!”

The reason we know to replace broken parts in our car, is because in the real world, the consequences are immediate and obvious. In the fantasy world of politics, consequences can be hidden, so others have to deal with them. Much more dire to be sure… but who cares about our kids and grand kids anyway? In the real world we would quickly go broke if we replaced the engine, every time a belt came loose… then reused the same defective belt. In the phantasmal world of governing and politics replacing the engine and keeping the defective belt is common practice. Because money is no object when you can print it. Consequences are disassociated with actions in politics. So it is easy to convince us, up is down and white is black, so we stay on the treadmill of failure followed by greater failure.

Once enough parts refuse to function, it may seem that the design of the engine itself must be defective, but since it ran well in the past when the parts worked, that argument is spurious. That the defective parts claim they need to be put in a steam engine to properly function is every bit as absurd. Yet that is what our defective politicians, bureaucrats, judges, media elites, education elites, etc… all claim. They ply us with the glittering lie that if our economy ran on wood fired steam, we could race along much faster, than with that racist nitro methane high output motor. Just ignore the fact, no economy running on steam has ever accomplished anything, other than the mass slaughter and starvation of it’s citizens. Therefore we do the idiotically stupid… so not to seem racist, privileged or hateful. Very progressive.


John Pepin

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