The Fraud of Democracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are multiple ways for the elite to undermine real democratic input, and they use every one. You can’t say in truth there is democracy when any of these tactics is used to bring the democratic process to heel. Let me decide who can run and your vote becomes irrelevant, let me control the funding and your vote is a mere rubber stamp, or let me choose who can vote and again your input is only a ruse, to trick you into thinking you have a say, when in fact… you don’t. Moreover, why would the elite allow us unwashed masses to decide anything anyway? After all, they have the education, the breeding, the right political attitude and the lack of morality to make it all come together. What this boils down to is, the democratic element of our republic has become a sham.

Clearly, someone with no scruples would have no problem, morally, in undermining the election process, especially sociopaths. The reality of human affairs is that sociopaths and psychopaths are over represented in politics. That is just an unpleasant fact of life. People who are not sociopaths don’t have the drive to lord over others and so do not seek political office at nearly the rate. Plus, a sociopath has a clear advantage in any political contest, they are charismatic, have no shame, will do or say anything to get power, then do anything once they have that power. The political class has no scruples when it comes to undermining the electoral process, but at the same time, they seek the legitimacy that comes with election, even fraudulent election.

The primary process is rife with areas the elite can undermine the will of the people. When Ron Reagan was elected the elite went apoplectic over it. They took strong measures in both political parties to insure no one like him would ever get to run in the general election again. The democrats were the more successful of the two, with super delegates that actually elect the democrat, rather than the people. This was proven true when the people voted for Bernie, but the elite wanted Hillary, and so Hillary ran against the Republican nominee. The republicans didn’t have the nerve to so obviously undermine the will of the people… so they kept their shenanigans to a minimum, which was why Trump won the primary against the elite’s choice of another Bush.

It is not the people who vote that choose, but the people who count the votes. Yet that is only one way the elite can turn democracy into a mechanism of usurpation. Anyone threatening the elite’s hegemony, with the bad taste to win a primary, will get zero funding and be held to every dotted I of the law, while his or her opponent will get oodles of funding and a pass when it comes to mere law, like Al Gore’s, “no controlling legal authority.” Vote fraud is another way the elite use to create a sham of the election process. In places where there are large volumes of illegal aliens, there is a commensurate amount of vote fraud, which is why we have “sanctuary cities.” Rest assured, if illegal aliens voted for our Constitution, instead of against it, illegal immigrants would be executed at the boarder without mercy.

What we have now, is democracy that is not democracy, but a means for the elite to cover their usurpations with a veneer of legitimacy. When confronted with their extra constitutional actions, they always say, “The people elected me to do this.” Even though in reality, they were chosen by the elite… who loathe our Constitution, our nation, our freedoms and us. The election of Trump is a burr under the elite’s saddle. He wasn’t supposed to get elected, he was supposed to be a straw man, so Hillary could continue progressing the world away from limited government, free markets, freedom of speech and freedom of religion, to the Marxian utopia of world slavery they have been working for, for more than a century. Poor psychopathic elite… lost the election, and will burn in Hell anyway.


John Pepin

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