Government Secrecy and National Security

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, since the Russians, Chinese and every other nation apparently have complete knowledge of the US’ military plans, equipment and capabilities… the laws on national security are in truth only there to hide our government’s shenanigans from us, not foreign powers. Indeed most of the time when we are told this or that information cannot be divulged, because it would irreparably harm US national interests, upon it’s disclosure, we discover the only interests the information harmed was of corrupt politicians! The term National Security has become a closet where the corrupt elite hide their dirty laundry. In truth, a just society, culture and government, would have as a common convention, that every action of government is open for any individual to see, any time he or she wants.

With the latest revelation that China got away with Gigabytes of data on the US Navy, it’s newest weapons, tactics, schematics, etc… it is clear that other nations can get whatever information they want from our government. Espionage is a way of life for governments and has been since at least the time of Sun Tzu. Heck, it seems half of the movies made about WWII were about getting this or that microfilm back to England to help the war effort. Lets face facts, when a foreign government wants information on another, especially when they are “enemy” nations, they have ways of getting it. The elite know this, they are the ones using those means, on both foreign countries and their own people. So the argument that everything government does must by default be secret is absurd.

It has become a standing joke that government secrets are more to protect corrupt politicians’ interests than to protect national interests. Remember the recent Nunes Memo? The establishment went apoplectic over it’s release to the hoi polloi, claiming it would do irreparable damage to national security. The controversy went on for months until the memo was released in full. As it turned out, the only methods it revealed were the shady actions of the FBI and DOJ, weaponizing the national security apparatus against a political foe. The democrats came out with a memo later that did expose means and methods, and was eventually rewritten so it too could be released. It largely corroborated the Nunes memo even while trying to discredit it. Government secrets only protect politicians corruption.

If we accept the Western foundational idea, that the legitimacy to rule comes from the people, and only the people, then Just governance requires open government. If we accept that those who occupy positions of power, presumably the ones who make decisions effecting the lives of every person under that political system, then isn’t it obvious they should be regarded as human beings and not saints or angels? Only a saint or angel could be trusted with such power, unchecked, and unobserved. Human beings will do almost anything when we know we are not being seen, and politicians are no exception. Therefore, it is clear that if we seek to stem politicians abusing their authority, their every action must be observed by the people. To do otherwise is a dereliction of duty to our foundational ethos.

We must ask ourselves, “Why do we have government?” Is it a means for a select few to become absolutely wealthy, have the power, (not the Right) to enslave us, and provide for their heirs as the aristocracy of old did? Or is it a way to harmonize the interactions of human beings to facilitate our productive enterprises? The first path, totalitarianism, the path that violates the foundational idea of Western political theory, requires governance in the dark. If we decide it’s a way to harmonize the interactions of human beings, and accept the Western foundational idea that authority only comes from the people, then government must be open, visible and nothing kept secret. Because, once you allow a human being a place to hide their corruption, they will exploit it to the detriment of everyone else.


John Pepin

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