Dear Friends,
It seems to me, we’re just seeing the birth of the atrocities that will follow our abandoning the idea, Man is created in God’s image. Materialists, obviously, don’t hold people are made in the image of God, since they don’t believe in God. Especially the Christian God, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Since all of human Rights as envisioned by Western culture is based on the Christian idea, we are made in the image of God. Outlawing crimes against the dignity of the individual are examples of this morality at work. Remove the foundational concept and all of those atrocities become, not only acceptable, but inevitable. As they were in the past. Some may call this a “functional myth” apology, and they may be right, I however see barbarism as the likely outcome of post Christian morals and ethics.
The reason slavery was outlawed by those who subscribed to Enlightenment philosophy, is because… how can a man enslave the image of God? That itself isn’t a crime against a man but a crime against God himself. It’s blasphemy. The same goes of torture. How can an image of God be subjected to torture? That again would be blasphemy. Indeed, all crimes against the dignity of the individual, are crimes only if the individual is an image of God. Because then they are crimes against God. If one holds that as a basic concept upon which their worldview is based, then atrocities are not only unthinkable, but crimes against God. In fact, any crime against humanity, and humanity itself, is a derivative function of the concept, we are all made in the image of God.
Earlier religions and philosophies didn’t outlaw slavery. No matter how righteous, human hearted or reasonable they were, and are. How do we know this? Because they didn’t. The institution has an unbroken record into prehistory. It wasn’t until the concept, we are created in the image of God, that such crimes, became crimes. Philosophically thus morally and ethically. It follows then that once that idea is removed from the culture, crimes against the dignity of the individual, will become legal again. Lacking a philosophical, moral or ethical argument against them. So we can expect such crimes to become more widespread, as the Christian culture is replaced by those that don’t have moral issues with slavery, torture, human experimentation… crimes against the dignity of the individual.
Atrocities are in vogue. In China, the materialist atheist CCP harvests organs from living political, and religious dissidents. Fresh. In the Christian worldview, such a thing is a crime against humanity, in that how can a man cut the organs from a living image of God? That’s pure blasphemy. To an atheist however… it’s harvesting organs from an animal. There are now slave markets in Libya. Because, while Christianity considers slavery an atrocity, other religions hold it as perfectly fine. In India they used to burn their wives to death. A British officer was told it’s a cultural practice. To which he replied, we have a cultural practice as well… its called, hanging for murder. We’re witnessing atrocities and barbarism, rushing in to fill the moral void, left by the retreat of Christian culture.
With the ebbing of Christianity and the Christian worldview, we can expect such atrocities to become more widespread and even normalized. As in Britain, where the elite are trying to normalize grooming and raping little girls, for fun and profit. With the police as the muscle. For good or bad, the atheist philosophy will bring with it crimes against humanity, atrocities that’ll make the CCP’s organ harvesting look like drunk driving. More and worse atrocities, that won’t be atrocities… if people are merely animals to be herded, bred and used at the will of their masters. Then again, how is a mere animal worthy to be, master of the animals, if there’s no God to bestow it? By coercive violence. Which means, materialism leads to barbarism, Christianity leads to civilization.
John Pepin