The State’s War On Religion

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a government that seeks to control what preachers say at the podium, serves Lucifer. No matter if the government bureaucrats who limit ministerial speech, are experts in comparative religion, bureaucratic sages or geniuses, their limits are still limits, not from God or a prophet speaking in God’s name, but from a measly cubicle cribber… and thus will amount to an arbitrary, or worse, political stranglehold on religious thought. How does that not serve Lucifer? There are two great forces that have always been at odds throughout human history. No, they are not the proletariat and the capitalists, they are the Church and State. That was the epic battle of the titans we have been witness to, participants in and victims of. In that war, the politicians have the initiative, due to State violence.

In the titanic battle between the State and the Church, the State has the advantage of a monopoly on violence. Which means the State need not convince anyone of anything, it only needs to pass a law, then send in the police backed by SWAT. Ways you can tell that the state has become despotic, might be; A pastor that stood up to the Schutzstaffel in his church, could get pulled over on the highway by SWAT and arrested, jailed and prosecuted for his insolence. The State could arbitrarily shut down churches but not liquor stores. Else the elite might demand copies of sermons to peruse for wrong-think, like in Houston Texas. When one side (the State) has a monopoly on violence, and is corrupt, they would do anything to forward their egoistic goals… nothing is off the table.

In the US the state controls the church by the mechanism of tax free status. Churches, synagogues and other religious organizations get a tax free exemption, as long as they don’t engage in anything that can be seen as political. Which in practice, as in everything in the political realm, is subjective, and thus arbitrarily enforced. Usually with an eye to politics. The Black churches are an example of nakedly political churches that are allowed to openly push for democrats, because that faction controls the levers of enforcement, the Administrative state. While if a Catholic, Baptist or Mormon church is too ardently anti abortion, their 501 c 3 status is threatened by the same administrative state. By this mechanism the state controls the church’s speech, thought, and therefore… cannon.

Some people complain that the Chinese Communist Party is anti religion, when that is not the case at all. The CCP are devout believers, in themselves, and demand at the barrel of a gun, that everyone else believe as well. No other religion is allowed to get between the subject and the state. In this we see that a faction has usurped the role of state and church. Bulldozing churches, ethnic cleansing of Muslims and involuntary organ donation for Falun Gong practitioners, are the advantages your religion has, when controlling the state and it’s monopoly on violence. Well, for those without morals, hearts or souls anyway. The CCP has simply decided to use its monopoly on violence in a way that is practical, to enforce their whims on every man woman and child in society, without exception.

When a state uses coercion to limit the speech of religion it is usurping that religion by violence. Obviously, “religions” that practice human sacrifice, call for violence or other crimes against humanity, are not religions, or even civilized, and must be controlled. Those that refrain from calls to violence should not be limited at all however. The hair is cleaved at violence and calls for violence. That is the fire in a theater the progressives are always using against our free speech, even as they throw smoke bombs, shout and pull the fire alarm, to manipulate us. The administrative state doesn’t need moral guidance… experts know it all. That is why they see no problem usurping the role of the church, and in so doing, serving their dark master better than he could have hoped.


John Pepin

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