The Democrat’s Frankenstein’s Monster

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, that an avowed socialist of any persuasion, is the front runner of the democrat primary, is not at all shocking. Even in 2000, a socialist couldn’t get national recognition, today they are the preferred candidate of our young people. In the last few decades, under Common Core, our children have been indoctrinated into the wonders of socialism. Not the reality of it, but the glittering lie that has beguiled so many, and resulted in the deaths of well over a hundred million people in the twentieth century alone. Then again, ugly truths are not very attractive, while glittering lies catch the eye, hold the imagination and intrigue the mind. That our youth embrace socialism, democratic, national, or whatever, is the direct result of it being driven down their throats.

Our schools ceased being an education system a century ago. It’s purpose became to indoctrinate children into whatever mindset the elite want. This is a much more efficient means of controlling the hoi polloi than allowing people to think for themselves! Robots don’t compete with the elite, they do what they are told, if a few die of opioid overdoses, all the better, gets rid of the surplus population. The progressive doctrine of our government monopoly school system, teaches what to think, not how to think. Rather than teaching children logic, philosophy and reason, our progressive schools teach, that socialism is morally superior to capitalism, that Marxism has never been tried, that the Administrative state is more efficient, professional, benevolent and modern than that outdated Constitutional system.

How many kids, when they get out of school, eschew marriage, careers and children for participation in ANTIFA. This is not due to some true desire of the kids for “justice,” it is due to the programming they received in school. The ongoing transgender crime against humanity is another absurdity that is being pushed into the minds of our children. An absurdity that serves no one’s interests but perverts who desire girls with penises. Do you think that it is out of some internal conflict between their femininity and masculinity… or something they have been manipulated into? Our schools no longer teach children they have a stake in society and it’s outcome, it teaches them they are the victims of society, that it is a bad thing that must be destroyed. Because chaos is the path to utopia for progressives.

Progressives know their propaganda has a shelf life. It only lasts in the minds of the brainwashed as long as they stay out of reality. Once they come into contact with reality, the brainwashing wears off quick, and so each generation must be propagandized, to keep the population of sycophants seeking their own enslavement, at the desired level. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, the democrats are panicking. They want pliable people without the ability to see through their obvious manipulations but instead they have created Frankenstein’s monster. Bernie Sanders, the man who was a devout communist during the Cold War, and promoted the Soviet System over the American one, is now their front runner. So here we are, the democrats are terrified of the very creature they created.

Even Chris Mathews knows that a communist in the White house would be a disaster of biblical proportions. Since they are scared of their own creation, they will do what democrats do, they will manipulate the results of elections, undermine them and if necessary, openly steal the nomination from him again. I wonder though… if the democrats are not as afraid of a Sanders Presidency, as they are that he is no match for Donald Trump? After all, Trump has lowered unemployment in historically under served communities to never before seen levels. He has cut regulations, lifting the jack boot from the throat of small business, and given every man woman and child in the US a stake in it’s outcome. Maybe democrats are not as afraid of our republic’s demise… as they are of the loss of power?


John Pepin

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