Our Momentous Choice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… we stand at the edge of a momentous point in time. What we do, the decisions we make, will decide the fate of humanity for centuries to come. Now, most times that would be mere rhetoric, today, not so much. If we break one way we will be visiting a dystopian future on our children, and if we break the other, we will be bequeathing them a civilization worthy of being called a civilization. Of course, the easy way is the path to a Mad Max dystopia, and the hard way is the one to a wealthy, pragmatic, civilized society. The path each way requires many choices, some we will probably make right… and others we will probably get wrong. Showing that while we didn’t start the fire, we aren’t fighting it as well as we could.

Fundamentally, our choice is to accept the Administrative state and it’s eventual despotism, or take the difficult path and return to Constitutional rule. It is easy to do nothing, thus take the path to dystopia, but it is hard to wrest power from power mad psychopaths, the heirs of Thrasymachus’ Great Men, cut from the same cloth as Dionysus, Octavius Caesar, Hitler, Mao and Tamerlane. Their lust for power over “lesser men,” is lubricated by rivers of blood and fueled by hubris and arrogance. Taking on such men and women is no small task. Today they sit in their sanctuaries, lusting after the total surveillance the modern technology allows them, along with the tools of mass mind control, monopoly over the media, absolute censorship of even our thoughts… the dream of any would be despot.

On the other hand we would have to fight for total transparency in government, absolute freedom of speech, an end to race based anything, complete freedom of conscience, equal treatment under the law, freedom of religion and freedom to criticize anyone. In short our fight is for our fundamental Natural Rights. They stand at odds with the “Great Men,” who would take them away, or worse, exploit them to make the appearance of our having Rights when in fact we have none at all. Like today, we have the appearance of Rights when it is obvious that some are above the law, some religions cannot be criticized, some groups have a get out of jail free card, punishments for crimes is based on thoughts, and our universities are echo chambers for the political faction that favors the Administrative State.

It’s not like history hasn’t shown us the fate of those who take either path. The easy path, the one that leads to dystopia, oppression and The Hunger Games, to allow the Administrative state to win, will lead to famines like Mao’s, tyranny like Dionysus of Syracuse, slaughter of disfavored groups like Hitler and eugenics played out on a planetary scale like Woodrow Wilson would have, if given the power… of tomorrow’s “Great Men.” On the other hand, we also have historical evidence of how societies that embrace natural law turn out as well. They result in universal prosperity, peace, low crime, growing families and general content. Not at all exciting. Which is one draw for psychopaths to the Administrative state option… it will result in interesting times.

How do we fight for those good things and not the bad? By writing letters to our leaders demanding accountability for the powerful, transparent government as the default and an end to the Administrative state… ie the bureaucracy. We lobby for the overturn of Wickard V Filburn and seek the impeachment of all activist judges. Allow even the most detestable to speak, for in speaking, they destroy their arguments better than even a rhetorical genius could. We use the power of Jury Nullification, by refusing to convict people of laws that are unconstitutional, like all gun laws. Oh, the psychopaths who would be our overlords will cry foul, that if they are not our benevolent masters, we would immediately turn on each other like a pack of rabid hyenas… Liars psychopaths and hypocrites that they are.


John Pepin

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