The Deep State Lives!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, with every news story, convenient suicide, political scandal and push for impeachment, it becomes ever more difficult to pretend the Deep State doesn’t exist, and is not at war with our Constitution. With each propaganda piece, complete with subliminal messaging, our trust in the media is ever more Pollianish. Every convenient self strangulation, like Jeffery Epstein’s after being taken off suicide watch, in maximum security, the cameras outside his cell disabled and his cell mate moved, and so far, not a single charge against any politician named in his black book of pedophiles, is evidence the Deep State exists and can get you… anywhere. Believing there is not a Deep State, and it is not at war with our Constitution is a glittering lie we tell ourselves and others, because the truth is so ugly.

How do we know when a liar is lying? Their actions don’t match their words. Examples of this abound in our elite. They claim we have to submit to slavery, else the sea will rise and drowned us all… yet they buy multi million dollar mansions on Nantucket at sea level and buy estates on the Maldives. That in and of itself is proof of a lie is it not? Behind fortified and guarded walls they tell us walls are immoral. We are told socialism is the system we should aspire to, yet people in every socialist country are willing to risk their wives and daughters being raped, and their sons being murdered… to get away from socialism and to capitalism. We know someone is lying when they say one thing and do another. When a person does it, they are a bad person, when society does it, that is a diabolical society.

Even a cursory glance at our elite shows clearly and unambiguously… they do not do what they demand we do. We see carve outs across the board, where government doesn’t hold itself to the same standard they hold us to. Hypocrites. Which leads us to the maxim… Any law that does not apply to every human being under that political entity, is not a tool for justice, but a way to oppress people. If you did that at work, have rules that applied only to certain people, sexual harassment for example… would it lead to a fair, cohesive and productive workplace? We all know injustice when we see it, and we see it in every corner of our governments, yet we are required to lie to ourselves and society about it. Else we are slandered with labels like racist, conspiracy nut and Nazi. To silence rather communicate.

Let’s browse some recent scandals shall we? Fast and Furious is a scandal that has yet to be investigated… because the President was above the law. How do we know this? Because not one scandal that happened under his administration has been investigated by the State… only by non state actors like judicial Watch. Had Judicial Watch not uncovered so much information, we would know nothing about Hillary’s email server, the bot in it that forwarded every email including top secret emails to an anonymous Gmail server, putting malware on reporter’s computers, abuse of power by exploiting the IRS as a tool to suppress political speech, the spying on then candidate Trump, and colluding with foreign nations and their security apparatus to start a fraud investigation to discredit Trump.

This President has faced unprecedented slews of false allegations even leading to a special prosecutor. Never before, (but I suspect outsiders in the future will face this precedent) has a President been so hobbled by the bureaucracy, with leaks, spying, hoaxes, propaganda and outright fraud to get him out of office… before he even took office!!!! That is, on the face of it, evidence of out of control corruption in the bureaucracy. The open corruption by the Deep State shows, it is either bold enough to wrest total control from our Constitution, else they are afraid of Trump. No matter, their actions have exposed them for who they are and what their goal is. The Deep State has shown us it exists and is far more malicious than we ever thought possible… in our naivete. In that, we can thank them.


John Pepin

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