Our Crimes Against Humanity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… our culture is engaged in several crimes against humanity. I don’t make this complaint flippantly, I really mean that our culture, and thereby the cultural elite and us, we are manipulating people into self harm, a psychopathic crime against humanity, slaughtering millions in a holocaust that rival’s Mao’s, and setting up a genocide in a way that is unprecedented. During times of mass insanity, such as we are in, it is always the cultural elite that forge the path. They first bring the ideas into the public’s mind, because evil ideas need to be carefully introduced as good, then nurtured into full fledged atrocities, while maintaining a state of insanity in the people. As Solzhenitsyn suggested, in such a system, everyone lies, to themselves, to each other and even to God himself.

I would never presume to stop by violence, someone in their 30’s and on, who after careful self assessment and study on the question, decides to undergo a sex change operation. I may strongly disapprove, but I recognize the autonomy, free will, and agency of other human beings, as I expect reciprocation from other people. Living by both the Golden Rule and leading by example. A child of 7 on the other hand has no idea what sex is… let alone what side of the equation they want to be on! To claim a child can, is to lie to yourself, to others and to God himself. A child that claims to “want” to be transitioned has been manipulated into self harm. At least the Nazis had the decency not to pretend to befriend their victims. Our cultural infatuation with sex change is a crime against humanity.

They used to say Mao slaughtered around 42 million Chinese people in his cultural revolution, great leap forward and artificial famines. Now the number has been revised to 60 million. A number that rivals World War Two’s 62 million. The mind boggles at such numbers. Yet the abortion industry has slaughtered over a billion and a half babies. People that will never ride a bicycle, eat a snow cone, skin a knee, get married, have children of their own, retire and die surrounded by their grandchildren. They have been denied their chance, as have been their children, grandchildren and so on. A billion and a half people, dismembered, born alive to have their organs harvested without anesthetic, and left to die in a cold sink. To call this evil, good, is to lie… Truly a crime against humanity beyond all measure.

In Europe we see genocide willfully and intentionally being set up. With the percentage of “diversity” the globalist elite have created in Europe, genocide of either the Christians/atheists or the Muslims is inevitable. It is the ugly truth of our age, we refuse to look at, instead dwelling on the glittering lie of diversity. Ignoring 1500 years of history is foolhardy at best, diabolical at worse… and I strongly suspect the worse. Even a cursory peek at the crimes in Europe since the “refugees” have settled there shows the beginnings of it. To deny this is to lie to yourself, others and even God. Either way, a crime against humanity will have been made inevitable in a few decades, by our omniscient leaders. Never before has an elite intentionally set up a genocide. How progressive!

All of these crimes against humanity, manipulating children into self harm for the sexual amusement of others, torturing babies to death by the millions, and creating the conditions where genocide becomes inevitable… have been enabled by the cultural, social and administrative elite, pushing the lie that these evils are good. But you and I are not innocent. We know in our hearts these are lies. Yes, the culture punishes truth tellers, but the alternative is to continue being complicit in crimes against humanity. The magnitude of which far surpasses any that have been committed before, by the most heinous actors in human history, putting you and I on par with them! Because we lied to ourselves, others and even to God himself? Is that the company you want to be in when you meet God on Judgment Day?


John Pepin

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