The Anti Humans

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive oligarchy is anti human, in all ways. They universally support death in every manifestation, endorse human slavery, eugenics, and manipulate children into self sterilization. All very progressive… and anti human as well. It is hard to rectify the fact someone openly wants to depopulate the planet with their not being anti human. Progressives are elitists, and elitism by its nature despises the masses, humans, making it an anti human philosophy. Humans are individuals first, groups second, for without the individual to make up the group, there can be no group. So when progressives categorize us as groups, not people, they are dehumanizing us, which is obviously… anti human. What we have then, is an anti human faction in the midst of seizing world wide despotic power.

Abortion, trans movement and abetting human trafficking are clearly anti human. In the 1970s they used to make TV shows where criminals who trafficked people were the villains. Villains who got their comeuppance by the end of the show. The reason these crimes were usually picked is because they are so heinous. Making the villain ever more deserving of Barnaby Jones, Frank Cannon or James Rockford’s attention. Manipulating children into self harm was too heinous for television back then. Of course, abortion was only allowed in the first trimester, imposed by the usurpation of the Supreme Court, ala Buck, Korematsu and Wickard. No one thought babies would be born alive, left to die, then their body parts harvested for diabolical experiments that would make Dr. Mengele blush.

Depopulation of the planet is as anti human as it gets. I have always said, those like Bill Gates, who avow there are too many people on the planet… should lead by example, not from behind. Instead, apparently, they see their role as the facilitators of depopulation, not trail blazers. Which makes me wonder if their ideas are really to help the planet or to help themselves. We know Gates is a hog. So the conclusion cannot be that difficult to discern. Anyone who values the life of others, as unworthy to live, is someone who’s personal value is zero. Because of reciprocal attribution. Another way to put it is, when you point a finger at someone else, three point back at you. So, people who espouse depopulation devalue themselves by their own philosophy, far more than us.

Dehumanizing people is the definition of anti human. Dehumanization is the first step to mass slaughter. It is a tried and true means of generating genocide. For months and years before, the Hutu radio stations called the Tutsi’s cockroaches… leading to the mass slaughter of Tutsi’s by machete. Women, children and men cut up alive… because they were not seen as human beings, but something else, something less. Most people, Thrasymachus’ little men, balk at chopping a child up alive, but not a tree, stick… or cockroach. The Nazis told the Germans they were protecting them from the diseases rampant in the ghettos. To that end Zyclon B was originally made to kill rats. Our elite today have learned this lesson well, and so they are applying it to us today, with the Wuhan flu… very progressive.

Why are we allowing such a malevolent, diabolical and manipulative faction to usurp absolute power? Partly because we were denied a legitimate voice by the 2020 election fraud. Then there is the propaganda ministry, big tech, that controls the flow of information. The monopoly on education the progressive faction enjoys, has served to create a supplicant population, stupefied by the system to be sheep. Then there is the Interagency, the real government, our Constitution’s mortal enemy. The constitutional government only camouflage for it. The anti humans who run the world today have amassed nearly absolute power to implement their anti human agenda. We have lost our voices, the vote and our power, to become the victims… only if we accept that fate. I don’t… nor should you.


John Pepin

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