Lies Will Lead To The Great Snap Back

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, lies are only effective, if people believe them. When people stop believing the lies, they lose their power to affect change, and I think people are losing their trust in the liars. That would be one sign that the great snap back has started. I have posited for awhile now, that today’s progressive hegemony will become so revolting to people, it will lead to a great snap back. A Renaissance of morality, patriotism, complete families, well educated entrepreneurial young adults and an end to the drug problem will ensue. The opposite of today, or, a snap back. Sadly, the elite will pervert it, as they always do. Leading to the next rise of progressivism, and its fascination with elitism, socialism and Satanism. So the cycle will begin anew, until then, we may have an opportunity to form a better future.

Since progressivism and indeed all socialist ideologies are built upon a bed of lies, if people turned away from the lies and stopped repeating them, the progressive artifice would collapse like a red super giant deprived of nuclear fuel. Easier said than done though. When you live in a sewer, you stop smelling the sewage, because you get used to it. We have become inured to the lies, so comfortable with them we lack cognitive dissonance when we chant, all cultures are equal, (justifying modern slavery, human sacrifice and a stratified social structure) but Western culture is bad, (because we had slavery before we outlawed it, a century ago). Mark Twain supposedly said, “It is easier to get a man to believe a lie then to divest him of it.” A play on words that rings true to me based on my experience.

The problem with lies is that the truth always eventually gets out. If not the whole truth, enough of it to undermine any edifice that is built upon them. Building anything on a foundation of lies, is like using cardboard for the footings of a building. Eventually, if even a drop of water (truth) gets to it, it will rot away and the building will collapse. That collapse will be in slow motion at first, then all at once, and is manifested by great social, cultural and economic disruptions. Until the final convulsion that settles the edifice to a pile of rubble. If the truth gets out, and the lies are exposed, then the people, repulsed by the lies, greed and corruption of the criminals, will rid themselves of the miscreants. Replacing them with a new elite who, for a time, follow the will of the people.

The snap back is inevitable. Whether due to a collapse or an awakening, the people will soon be forced to look at the ugly truth. Once they do, I believe that all the propaganda, censorship and usurpations in the world will not be enough to stop the righteous indignation of the people. Perhaps at that time the elite will get their well deserved comeuppance, or perhaps the elite will rid themselves of us somehow, nevertheless, there will be a snap back. Because lies will only hold up an elite for a limited time. Like Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” The more lies the elite rely on to prop up their illegitimate rule… the more their rule relies on fooling all the people all the time.

We have yet to see how it happens but what lengths will the elite go to stop a snap back? Warfare, chemical, biological and mind control have all been used against us in the last few years. Chemical, in the fentanyl attacks that kill one hundred thousand Americans a year, equaling WWII in the same time frame. Biological, in that the Wuhan flu was created by the CCP, with the help of Fauci and the NIH transferring the technology, so the CCP could concoct it and set it free. We send our kids to indoctrination centers instead of schools. How do we know this? They emerge unable to count, read or write, let alone think for themselves, but every one ideologically captured. The snap back is as inevitable as it will be a terrible comeuppance for the elite. I’m rooting for it.


John Pepin

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