The Anti American Faction

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if you are against the American Constitution… you are anti American. That should be obvious to any thinking person. Those who hate the foundation of a government… are anti that government. In the case of the USA, our foundational ethos is limited government, and even that limited power must be at the acceptance of the people. The US was not founded as a democracy though, the founding fathers agreed with Aristotle, that democracy itself is a wrong form of government. In that pure democracy is the tyranny of the majority over the minority. Those who seek to change the US then, from a constitutionally limited republic to an unlimited “democracy,” actually seek tyranny… whether they admit it or not, and therefore are anti American.

Governments are founded on a societal myth, or in other words, a foundational ethos. That foundational ethos colors every aspect of the government and it’s actions. In the USA, that foundational ethos is based on individual freedoms, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to keep and bare arms, freedom from arbitrary search and seizure, freedom in one’s person and papers, etc… those who stand against those freedoms, as postmodernists openly do, are anti American. On college campuses professors teach anti Americanism as the core curriculum. Speech is suppressed by violence, freedom of religion is overturned by establishing atheism as the state religion, and privacy is a thing of the past. To be against freedom is to be against America itself… it is to be anti American.

The only alternative to limited government is unlimited government. One cannot have it both ways. If it is not limited… it must be unlimited. Unlimited government can do anything it wants. It is the application of arbitrary rule. The trouble with unlimited government, is no matter how much you approve of what they are doing with that limitless power today, beware tomorrow, because that unlimited power can just as easily be turned against you. Nevertheless, many people around the world demand unlimited government, as an alternative to freedom, out of ignorance of it’s implications. The US Constitution guarantees limited government, so to be anti Constitution is to be pro unlimited government, or pro tyranny, and to be pro tyranny is to be anti American.

The reason progressives are so terrified of the label “anti American” is that it fits them so well. Think of it this way, if someone ribs you by calling you ugly, and you are not, you laugh. If you are ugly however, it is not a rib but an insult, and is seen as such. The same goes for any moniker. If the person called dumb is not, then it is a joke, but if they are… it is an insult. Labels only have the power to offend if there is a smattering of truth to them. Have you noticed that democrats gleefully call constitutionalists anti American, yet we laugh it off… because there is not an iota of truth to it. That is why progressives go ballistic when they are called anti American, because they know in their hearts, it is absolutely true. They are anti limited government, and pro tyranny, thereby… anti American.

If you are against our Constitution and limited government then you are anti American. Today we have an entire political faction in the US that is anti American. They run our media, government bureaucracies, our schools, corporations and culture. The anti American faction has become predominant in the nation today, and are only too happy to prove their anti American credentials, by open and obvious censorship, destroying anyone who still believes in limited government, use of violence and exploiting the legal process as a tool of political repression. It is of the utmost importance to call them what they are, as often as possible, so it is clear to everyone on the fence who and what they are… anti American, mealy mouthed would be tyrants, through and through.


John Pepin

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