
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Jew hatred has a long and storied past with Lucifarians. As Blaise Pascal said in his Pencees, the Jews are the perfect witnesses to Christ, and so will always exist, but will be forever at enmity with Lucifer. Obviously the Devil wants to exterminate the Jews… so he can claim there was no Christ. He could go further and argue, “the Bible is nothing but fanciful stories not one of which is true, since there are no Jews.” The Jews are the linchpin of both Christianity and God’s aims. Every time evil rises, the Jews are attacked, vilified and slaughtered. WWII was only the latest incarnation of this. Today we see the rise of Jew hatred again, moreover, those who side with the most zealous Jew haters also abet their evil. Not as a consequence but as a correlation.

Clearly, if we accept there is Satan, then we must also admit it seeks evil, and if it seeks evil it must turn the average person away from God and his word. This is because if people have a choice between evil and good, only a very few will choose evil, but if evil is the only choice, people will have no choice at all. When corralling cattle, the fences start very wide so as to catch the most cattle. Then they narrow down little by little, until the cattle find themselves in a feedlot. If a herd of cattle were run at a open gate in a feedlot, not one would go in, but if the only choice is the corral, they really have no choice at all. That is the way Lucifer works, he makes the way into his trap wide, then once people are being pushed by the crowd, the choices become fewer and fewer.

Eliminate the witnesses, whether by “suicide” or other means, and the case cannot be made. This has been used by mafia bosses for years. There have been reams of pages written on it in fiction and documentary’s. You cannot prosecute a villain, or Lucifer, without witnesses and evidence. Like a politician’s “best friend” is found dead having “shot himself” twice in the back of the head, or a man being shown pictures of his daughters at school and told, “It would be a shame if anything were to happen to them… wouldn’t it?” No matter how it is done, once the evidence is gone, the case cannot be made against a villain, but he can then make a case for himself… by that lack of evidence! If he cannot be exposed then his machinations become invisible.

That is not to say there are not people who are Jews who are evil, just as one cannot argue that all Africans are good, nor all Europeans, Christians, Buddhists, people with brown eyes, people with cleft pallets, or any group of human beings no matter how you enclose that group. The Venn diagram of evil people overlaps any group, no matter the definition of that group, except for the group defined as not evil… but that group is impossible to actually define and so is irrelevant. Moreover, to conflate that some Jews are bad, to all Jews are bad, is like saying some Asians are bad, so all Asians are bad. It is the definition of bigotry. Proving that the absurd argument, pointing at this or that person of Jewish heritage, Rothschild, Marx, etc… is or was evil, as spurious.

Perhaps that is why those who wittingly, or unwittingly serve evil, so loathe the Jews. This hatred spawned from demonic origins always finds it’s ultimate manifestation, in calling for the elimination of Israel. As if that postage stamp of land, that was uninhabited before the Jews reclaimed it with the blessing of the UN and Harry Truman. As if their backing had any bearing… when the Bible itself says Israel is the land of the Jews. No, that microscopic speck of land is a stumbling stone, because evil needs it gone. The mere existence of Israel proves the Bible and that cannot be allowed! As our governments approve the erection of statues, dedicated to Satan himself, the rise of Jew hatred and calls for the extermination of Israel, are clearly of diabolical origin.


John Pepin

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