Taught to be Ignorant

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our schools are doing a terrible job of educating our kids, in every way possible. Our schools teach children what to think, not how to think or how to get ahead, instead focusing on making our kids good little slaves. In the 1980’s the public school system eliminated industrial arts and home economics. That tragedy led to generations of kids who need to be taught, by their employers, how to turn on a table saw or make a biscuit. What is most tragic is that our schools inculcate a sense of hopelessness in our children. The amazing thing is that even as our schools fail our children, they demand ever more money for the failing educators, that are teaching foolishness, hedonism, Marxism and gender studies.

Ask any graduate of high school about Stalin’s purges, the gulags, the extermination of the Kulaks, the Ukrainian famine, Mao’s Great Leap Forward that killed 45 million Chinese, Fidel Castro killing 50,000 when he came to power, Pol Pot’s killing fields, Kim Mentally Ill’s regime of three generations of punishment or that the Nazis were the national socialist party… yet they all have a great deal of admiration for socialism! Talk about educated to be ignorant! The singular lesson of the 20th century was that socialism fails… economically, human heartedly, and culturally. It fails at every level of examination and is pathological. Yet the conclusion of our educators is that it must be taught as morally superior to capitalism. This has let our kids down in a big way.

Everyone has a stake in society. This is because we are a social creature. Everything good that comes to us as individuals comes from other people. How many times have you been talking to someone about a problem, and they tell you their friend had the same issue, and solved it… Then you apply that same solution and voila, your problem is solved. That didn’t’ come from government, it came from other people, interacting as individuals, sharing our common stake in society. Even the poorest person has a stake in society. How long will welfare checks keep coming in if our society fails? How much food will be available to charity if everyone is starving? Who will be the most harmed by a collapse… the rich? Of course not, they have the self taught ability to get ahead in any circumstances.

Money is the spring from which our lives are improved. Those with more have longer and better lives. This is no great insight. We all know this to be true, yet our schools teach nothing about money. Seriously? Why not? Every kid should be taught the difference between a liability and an asset, they should know how to create a balance sheet, understand cash flow and calculate profit loss. That they are not is an indictment of our government monopoly school system. The damage to our economy, society, students and culture is incalculable. Imagine how many people could become entrepreneurs if they were given the tools to be in school? Imagine how much our gross domestic product would be increased, if more people became rich, because it is the core curriculum of our schools?

We live in a technological age. Every contraption we enjoy comes from our forefathers invention. They knew how to weld, turn steel on a lathe, fix a lawnmower, make furniture, grow a garden, bake biscuits and cook a roast. Today, these things are not taught, so high school graduates don’t know the difference between a monkey wrench and a boxed end wrench. How are they supposed to advance our technology if they don’t know the basics of it? They cannot. It is truly pathetic that students have to learn the important stuff after they graduate the public school. Obviously this will only lead to chaos in our society. Those who have read my articles before know what chaos is to progressives. Which makes me wonder… are they doing a terrible job on purpose?


John Pepin

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