All The Lonely People

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… our culture is creating a generation of Elinor Rigbys, and Father Mackenzies. This is accomplished by undermining traditional marriage, vilifying Christianity, manipulating children into self sterilization for the benefit of perverts, pushing kids to try homosexuality by the public schools and alienating us from each other. All very progressive goals. They will of course inevitably lead to millions of lonely people, so you see, we do know where they come from, it’s just that we don’t want to speak up and be labeled a bigot. So we look around at all the lonely people, know where they come from, and figure they must belong alone. I wonder if it isn’t some mass pathological experiment to see how many children can be fooled into living a lonely, unfulfilled and tragic life?

In Europe, I hear, church attendance is almost non existent. As suggested by the line, “writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear.” Which is saying, the community that a church provides for it’s parishioners, is not being provided. The people who would otherwise have a place to go, and be part of a community, are instead staying home, alone. This is not conducive of a life that is full and where people are beloved. Instead, such a destructive attitude towards Christianity leads to people who are marginalized, alienated from their fellows and profoundly lonely. Of course, church can be alienating… for those who do not participate. Hiding in a corner, not talking to anyone but instead giving anyone who comes close a dirty stare, is a form of self ostracism.

One of our modern crimes against humanity, the transsexual movement, can only lead to alienated, unfulfilled individuals who commit suicide at alarming rates… due to their loneliness. Because the number of men who would date, and indeed marry a man, who has transitioned into a woman are extremely few, while those women who would date and marry a “man” who was born a woman, are just as rare. This can only lead people who have “transitioned,” to live without anyone significant in their lives to lift them up, hold their hand when they are sad, nurse them when they are sick or bring them to the store when they need a ride. They will miss out on the humanity we are all called to participate in. They are the victims of our fascination with girls with penises.

I am of the opinion that homosexuality is both a born trait and a learned one. Some are born with that propensity, just as some are born with the propensity to be alcoholics. The first attribute is harmless with out the second to trigger it. Someone who would be an alcoholic, who never tastes beer, will never destroy themselves by it. Our public schools today teach our children to at least try homosexuality, before deciding to be heterosexual. They might as well force every child to try crack cocaine, liqueur and heroine. They all lead to the same place. A person who is all alone in the world, unfulfilled and sick, mentally, spiritually and physically. Homosexuality is not like those things you say? Statistics might enlighten us on this matter.

People who have “transitioned” attempt suicide at the ripe old age of thirty at upwards of 54%! The life expectancy of someone who is openly “gay” is also much diminished. Studies of people who are atheist show they have less life fulfillment and are more angry than those who regularly attend church services. The lack of community might have something to do with this. We are social animals. We need companionship. When denied companionship we become angry, sad, self destructive and bitter. All lead to diminished life outcomes. If we really care about humanity, we will stop the foolishness, point it out, embrace and love everyone, while helping others to become the best they can be. To do otherwise is to participate in making a generation of Elinor Rigbys.


John Pepin

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