Tag Archives: modernism


Dear Friends, It seems to me, it is time to go beyond modernism, and post modernism, to Enlightenmentism. Modernism is the advance of the Enlightenment, the idea that all knowledge can be learned and understood through the scientific method. Post … Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Does The Public Have A Right To Its Opinion?

Dear Friends, It seems to me, one of the questions of our time is, who is entitled to guide public opinion… the public, or the deep state? The post modernist experts of the elite, think they are in the best … Continue reading

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The Death of Science

Dear Friends, It seems to me, post modern “scientists,” are so polluting their fields with cherry picked data, to forward a political agenda, our advancement can only be reversed. Climate pseudoscience is only the most odious example but all fields … Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment