Should Trump Win This Year’s Election

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if Trump wins, the top priority of the conservative, libertarian and constitutionalist movements… should be a national push to get voucher systems in place in every state. We have ceded the schools to the progressives and they have hatched a generation of mind numbed robots who cannot think their way to make change but have memorized the Communist Manifesto and are proficient at anal sex. They think that the way to fight fascism is to be a fascist, silencing people is stopping hate, physically dismembering an unborn baby is a choice, that fire doesn’t burn and water no longer wets. The progressives have lowered the life outcomes of a whole generation. They are not able to get and hold jobs and are dying of opioid overdoses in astounding numbers. The schools are the key.

The argument many progressives use, that if a voucher system was enacted it would be the end of the public school system, is a defacto admission, that the public school system is not an education system but something else, otherwise given the tremendous amount of public funding it receives, it could compete with any fly by night outfit that purports to give a quality education. Another argument you often hear is, all the good students would leave and the public school system would be stuck with the dregs. Which shows how the NEA views our children. I would argue that the dregs parents, being loving and caring, would put them in schools that would cater to their needs and help them succeed in the areas they are primed to succeed in. My argument is based on self interest… as is theirs.

A voucher system would open the marketplace of innovation to our children. Imagine the public school system as NASA and the entrepreneurial private schools that would pop up under a voucher system, like Space X and Blue Origin. NASA has been working on the Space Launch System, a derivative of the space shuttle, everything is built and just needs to be assembled. Cost overruns exceeding ten billion, and it would not even be close to launching, if not for Trump forcing the issue. Meanwhile, Space X has built a paradigm shifting reusable first stage orbital human rated rocket, for a fraction of the cost and in half the time. Our public school system is just as useless as every government program. You can conclude that any government program will do the opposite of it’s intended goal.

The rise of socialist and socialism, despite it’s being so thoroughly debunked in the twentieth century, is the indoctrination of our kids at the hands of progressive public schools. I have done a small experiment. I asked several recent graduates of high school, from schools across the US… not one of them knew about the Gulags, Mao’s famines, Stalin’s purges or Pol Pot’s killing fields. Yet they all saw socialism in a favorable light. Clearly, any reasonable history lesson about the twentieth century, should include the singular lesson of that blood soaked age… that socialism, communism, Marxism, etc.. always lead to human suffering on a magnificent scale. That the schools in the US don’t, is proof they are not education centers, but something else.

There will be progressive private schools, as well as parochial schools, conservative schools, charter schools, schools that focus on industrial arts and on the arts themselves. In a socialist system, as the public school system is, one size fits all and you must fit, even if you don’t, but under the free enterprise system, the market caters to the needs of the consumer. Even inventing new needs. The market system produces cars of every color, size, design, fuel, etc… serving every niche of the market. Under a voucher system private schools would do the same thing. Everyone wants what is best for their child, it is human nature, self interest… a voucher system would allow parents to choose the school best suited for their child. All but the progressive faction would benefit from a better educated populace.


John Pepin

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