Separatist Movements Around the World

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the recent trend of conservative leaning areas seeking independence from their progressive big city overlords is telling. We see examples around the world. Brexit, Catalonia and Grexit are examples in Europe. In North America we see Alberta with a healthy separatist movement. Large swaths of Oregon are looking to disengage from Olympia and it’s progressive oppression to join Idaho. The problems in Virginia are legendary, and will not be going away, because the most draconian of the unconstitutional laws the progressives in Richmond failed to get through this time, are not going away. In every case, the reason people want to leave is because they are facing progressive oppression, that they have no way to defend from or can even openly complain about.

Psychopaths like to get into positions where they can oppress others without their victims able to retaliate. It is a common theme among psychopaths and sociopaths. Government is the ideal for this type of behavior. Government is a place, especially the bureaucracy, where someone can burrow in, and wage war with the human race in anonymity, with zero accountability and with the approbation of fellow progressive sociopaths. A family who dug a fish pond on their own property for their daughter, were fined tens of millions of dollars for it… by the bureaucracy! Regulations are far more powerful than laws, because regulations are arbitrarily passed by unelected bureaucrats, enforced and prosecuted by them as well… in some cases the judiciary is not even involved! So much for trial by jury of peers.

In the example of Alberta, the people of Alberta are finding themselves under the heel of a jack booted progressive administrative state in Ottawa. The federal government in Canada is quashing Alberta’s ability to get it’s primary product, oil, to market. While at the same time taxing it to oblivion and regulating it to death. The fat cats in Ottawa grow ever fatter, while the hard working men and women of Alberta, grow ever thinner. This oppression is sufficient to anger even the most laid back Canadian. The policies of Ottawa, careless of the wants and needs of the people of Alberta, led to a powerful movement to secede from Canada, to become sovereign or join the US. Not because the people of Alberta no longer want to be Canadian, but because the government of Canada is forcing them to.

Disaster is averted for now in Virginia, but it snaps at the heels of all Virginians today. The moment democrats gained control of the executive and legislature, they immediately started passing anti constitutional laws, attacking the First and Second Amendments. Red flag laws that flagrantly bypass our Constitutional limitations on government power, are all the rage among progressives, and were also included in the democrat usurpation in Virginia. This led to a movement to secede from Virginia and join West Virginia by most of the counties. Craziness, like the governor declaring guns outlawed in Richmond to stop an open carry protest, goes on. The protest went on anyway and with zero violence. Which, had the protesters been progressives, would have become extremely violent, as they all do.

While there are far too many examples to cover here, they all point to the same conclusions… that progressives can live their ideas and dreams under conservative leadership, but conservatives are oppressed under progressive leadership. This is because of the fundamental difference in the philosophies of the two factions. Conservatives seek to conserve the advances of the Enlightenment and the innovations and freedoms of the US Constitution, while progressives seek to evolve government away from that old paradigm, to a new one of the Administrative state, with unlimited power to make our lives “better.” In the US, a communist can live in a commune if he or she wants, but under communism, a capitalist must live in a commune. No wonder they leave… If they can.


John Pepin

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