Post Modernists As The Arbiters of Truth

Dear friends,

It seems to me, the chief advantage that progressives have, is they became the arbiters of education…and now truth. People who didn’t see education as a means to advance the child’s ability to engage in the marketplace, but of political indoctrination, seized control of our education system, and now kids graduate high school unable to read, tell time, make change without a calculator or find the US on a globe. Now post modernists, who believe that there is no empirical truth, that even sciences such as mathematics are bigoted, because they were created by the patriarchal hegemony and as such are mere tools of that evil order, have become the arbiters of truth. We can expect the results of post modernists as the arbiters of truth to yield just as bitter fruits as progressive education has.

Since the failure of socialism was the quintessential lesson of the twentieth century, progressives had to find another reason to fight for socialism, so they came up with post modernism. Since empirical reality had loudly proclaimed, socialism doesn’t work, socialists would disavow empirical reality itself,instead creating an “oppressor and oppressed classes” philosophy as a totalizing world view. Rather than separate the human race into bourgeoisie and proletariat, and pit the groups against each other,they would separate the world into oppressors and oppressed, and pit them against each other. The unemployable intellectual, now could lead an ANTIFA mob against the oppressor class and strike a blow for the oppressed… since marshaling a hoard of peasants into a revolution is off the table.

By denying objective reality, postmodernists deny it’s ruling on socialism, and so assuage their anger at empirical reality. Post modernists deny mathematics and science as tools of the patriarchy, deny even the differences between male and female, they take the position that absurd is normal and normal is absurd. Openly stating there is no objective truth… Those who believe there is no objective truth, only subjective power, obviously cannot be trusted, and yet that is a core philosophy of postmodernists, who have become the arbiters of truth, like Snopes. Now the post modernist can justify becoming autocrat, not for economic justice, but for social justice. To force the oppressor class to make amends for it’s oppression, regardless if any of the people punished,are actually guilty of oppression.

Pragmatism makes the claim that a philosophy can be judged by the fruit it yields. Progressivism,socialism and communism have yielded nothing but vile and bitter fruit. The education system has become a standing joke, and in an advanced society, where we wield the very forces of nature itself, it is sub optimal to have poorly educated people. Yet we do.Progressives have taken our schools from the 1950’s, where marksmanship was taught in our schools, kids graduated able to read,write, do math then create the Space age and computer revolutions.Today our kids graduate without having the common sense not to eat Tide Pods. This trend has accelerated since the education system has adopted the post modernist Common Core curriculum. It cannot be denied the fruit is bitter and vile.

Which brings us to the salient point here, that if progressive and post modernist doctrines had to stand in the arena of ideas, and fight on level ground, they would be laughed out of existence. But for their ability to grab the minds of people, children in the case of education and adults in the case of “fact checkers,” their ideas would wither. The absurd philosophy of post modernism could only come about in the context of an education system captured by a psychopathic political faction. They succeeded magnificently in their gaining monopoly control of our education system, and the fruits are bitter and vile, are we going to allow them to become the final arbiters of truth too? People who openly avow there is no objective reality, only subjective power,telling us what to believe… What could go wrong?


John Pepin

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