Free and Fair?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the media is an unreported political contributor, to the DNC. In the 2018 election, the media’s open and clear bias that under girded every article they reported, was a strong contribution to the DNC success in taking back the House of Representatives. Their support would have costed billions of dollars, if a true tally were made of the hours they spent on air, hammering on Trump. If anyone else did a one hundred thousandth of that they would at least be charged, literally, Dnesh D’Sousa went on probation for giving twenty thousand dollars to a republican campaign. So we have a political system, where one faction gets the benefit of nothing but good press, (unreported campaign contributions) and the other, nothing but bad press, and that is supposed to be a free and fair election?

Watch any of the media conglomerates, (conglomerates because all of them are owned by three corporations), any night of the week, and not only during the nightly news, will hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign contributions is heaped on the democrats, while nothing but vitriol is vomited upon republicans. The campaign contributions don’t stop when the news is over, they only ramp up, during prime time. The only two television shows that showed conservatives in a positive light, were canceled, despite great ratings. Which suggests, they were canceled for political reasons, not economic. Meanwhile the shows that vilify republicans, casts men as buffoons and promote social justice, are innumerable. Which, each night, must add up to many millions of dollars.

The media that calls itself unbiased, even makes up stories out of whole cloth, and passes them on as news, like CBS fabricating documents to smear George Bush three days before an election, which we wouldn’t even know about, except for what the progressive media conglomerates call, “fake news.” From the Rolling Stone fake Rape story, the “exploding cars” of NBC fame, to Jason Blair at the New York Times, the media is not above fabricating stories when it suits them. So, these are just a few of the ones we know about… how many are fabricated that we do not? No wonder the media that calls itself unbiased, hates the new media, their lies are being exposed. What do you suppose is the value of a fraudulent story destroying the brand of a foe… reckoned as campaign contributions?

The main stream media carried the water for Barak Obama his entire term in office. Imagine the main stream media’s reaction… if Trump were to be caught sending weapons to Mexican drug cartels? Weapons that had killed hundreds perhaps thousands of Mexicans and also a US boarder patrol agent? They covered it up for Obama. After the Benghazi terrorist attack, Obama sent Susan Rice out on her lying round of the media, who listened wide eyed, that it was because of a video, and reported it as if true. Meanwhile they knew all along, as we do now, that it was a lie to cover up Obama’s earlier lie, that he had ended Islamic terrorism. Just that one Sunday, the value of the contribution to the Obama campaign must have been in the hundreds of millions of dollars, unreported of course.

The double standard in prosecution of campaign finance violations is the icing on the cake. Al Gore was caught openly flaunting campaign finance laws, and famously said, “There is no controlling legal authority…” and skated, setting precedent for democrats. Later, Dnesh D’Souza became a felon, for a violation of less than a twenty thousand dollar donation to a campaign, setting precedent for republicans. The DC double standard. As perhaps trillions of dollars worth of unreported campaign contributions go to the DNC, and campaign finance laws are arbitrarily enforced, depending on political affiliation, it would appear that the system is set up to silence everyone but the democrats, even as they allow the democrats unlimited access to the minds of the people. Free and fair eh…?


John Pepin

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