Political Prevarication and Classicide.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, this latest hoax by the progressive faction, highlights several realities in the world we are living in today. That white conservative MAGA hat wearing working men are some of the most nonviolent people on the planet, the progressive faction has a large contingent of outright liars in it’s midst, the media elite are deceivers and progressive leaders are also frauds. These truths become self evident, when one considers the pile of hoaxes and outright stochastic terrorism directed at school kids on a field trip, that the progressive faction is guilty of… in just the last few years. Yet this same contingent of prevaricators, both demand we consider them real news and call those who call them out on their lies and hoaxes, fake news.

Clearly, white working class conservative males are the least violent people on Earth, so much so, that to vilify them, progressives have to manufacture hate crimes. In recent years there have been literally dozens of hoaxes to make MAGA hat wearing people appear as villains. From mosques and churches attacked and vandalized, that turned out to be hoaxes, to the poor little angel who was shot by a passing car, her family claimed the man was white with blue eyes, he turned out not to be. With each passing fake hate crime, hoaxes, to make white MAGA men appear to be violent villains, a smear campaign worthy of Madison Avenue, the operators come further out in the open and their lies become harder and harder to cover up.

People who would fabricate a hoax hate crime are liars. Isn’t that self evident? Moreover, you should not trust a known liar. That is mere common sense. Machiavelli on the subject of a prince, was in favor of constantly shouting how forthright and honest one is, going on and on, while at the same time lying through their teeth. Because people tend to believe what they hear and disbelieve their “lying eyes.” Yet in the case of hoaxers, caught over and over, their lies smeared across the secondary media market, the ones the liars and hoaxers call fake news, even the most zealous and strident oaths of having the utmost honesty and total fairness, with absolute lack of bias… starts to become stale. So, we know by this that a large portion of the progressive faction follow Machiavelli’s rules, and are masterful liars.

Those who knowingly abet the hoaxes, media and politicians, are just as guilty as the fraudsters themselves. Because a hoax is only as effective as it’s media attraction. Time and time again, even the most absurd story that forwards the narrative, MAGA men are violent lunatics, is given hours of coverage, while dozens of powerful counter narrative stories are ignored. This is in and of itself a form of lying. More to the point, it is abetting the hoax itself. I understand that the big three networks spent hours debating this latest hoax, explaining why it proves how violent MAGA hat working men are, before it was outed as another total fraud. They had to know that the story was fishy from the get go. Else they are foolish, and have probably also purchased the Tappan Zee bridge… twice.

Perhaps this crime should be called, political prevarication. Prevaricating to promote a political narrative that is both counter to reality and one that fosters violence in society. Because it is the violence this type of rhetoric, is both intended to create and usually results in, that is the real evil. You could say that the slaughter of the Kulaks was the result of political prevarication. They were targeted as reactionaries, then systematically starved to death. That is the usual path for those targeted by political prevarication. Further, we can conclude that there are those in the progressive faction that, as their own actions indicate, are liars in favor of large scale human slaughter. Because that is what the results of hoaxes designed to vilify a group result in… classicide or revolution.


John Pepin

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