Is the Constitution Itself… Constitutional?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it shouldn’t be long now, before some judge declares the Constitution itself unconstitutional, because obviously, times have changed. The first time it will probably be overturned in another court, but sooner or later, given time, the elite will progress us away from rationality and common sense, to embrace as self evident… that up is down, blue is red, sweet is sour, hot is cold and right is wrong. That is the logical end of progressive post modernism and it’s philosophy of absolute power. With such obvious examples of judicial malfeasance, as Wickard v Filburn and Roe v Wade, the courts have shown themselves to be poor protectors of our Constitution. As the court system becomes another of the progressive faction’s monopolies, it will also become more and more perverted.

Today, most lawyers believe the Constitution is a “living breathing document” that changes with the times, as determined by the legal oligarchy. This is of course a self interested position to take, since it empowers lawyers to change the very foundational document of our system of government, as they see fit. Such awesome powers for a faction to have… no wonder they believe the living breathing document fallacy with such gusto. Obviously, for a Constitution to have any validity at all, it must be interpreted as it was meant at the time of signing. Clearly, if it is a contract the stronger party can change to his benefit as he sees fit, it is unjust. Yet most attorneys will affirm strongly, that the Constitution must be changed to fit the times, as if human nature changes like hem lines.

Those who believe themselves enlightened, and cut from a better cloth than the common man, typically have the hubris to impose their wills on the hoi polloi, for our own good. It should be evident to anyone that those who see themselves as crusading angels, will resort to any means to force the peasants to knuckle under. It is after all for the serf’s best interests. Such enlightened men are to be feared above all others for, as has been said before… they oppress and visit the worst horrors on mankind, with a clean conscience. Such men seek the comfort of bureaucracy to wield their “benevolent” power. From the comfort of their cubicle, they can right one wrong at a time, their own prejudice, ignorance and biases notwithstanding, and no one can stop them. Such is the cloth from which bureaucrats are cut.

In Wickard v Filburn, the Supreme court progressed the Commerce Clause from regulating interstate commerce, to a wide open door to regulate anything that the Federal government wanted. By stating that Filburn could not grow wheat on his own land, even for his own consumption, because his not buying that wheat would effect the price of wheat, and thus interstate commerce, the Court opened a portal to let in the dark force of bureaucracy and bureaucrats. The explosive growth of the National Register since highlights the point. At least in Wickard v Filburn the Court stayed within the confines of the text, in Roe v Wade the Supreme Court pulled a new “right,” directly from their bum, writing the murder of babies into our Constitution… and we ate it.

The absurdity of the findings are coming as quick as they are becoming ludicrous. A court recently found, a draft that doesn’t include women is unconstitutional because, the times have changed. The progressive faction will, by hook or by crook, destroy our Constitution to forward their agenda of world conquest and unaccountable absolute power. They are making great progress you have to admit. The progressive faction is in monopoly control of the bureaucracy, the media that calls itself unbiased, the legal oligarchy, the education system top to bottom, culture and the banking system. Once they feel comfortable enough, they will declare the Constitution itself unconstitutional, and will deem a new one in it’s place. Because, obviously, times have changed.


John Pepin

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