Political Correctness

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, political correctness is a lie we must tell ourselves and others, one we know to be false, in order not to be ridiculed… by those who need the lie told to maintain their power and wealth. We have all heard the jokes about political correctness, some funny and some foolish, but they have existed since Lenin’s Bolsheviks slaughtered their way across Russia. When political correctness was confined to backwards, Marxist Russia, it was a joke, now that it has permeated every facet of the West, is has become a real danger. Far from being a joke today, political correctness limits what we can think and discuss, while providing psychopaths a handy means to shut down debate that is counter to their interests. Political correctness is a cancer that needs to be cut out.

When someone says that is not politically correct, what they are saying is, “While that may be the truth, it is an inconvenient truth, and so must not be spoken aloud.” Think about it, is there a single thing that is “not politically correct” that isn’t at least based on some truth? That is the joke of it all! When we accede to political correctness we accede to putting limits on what can be debated. That is clearly a sub optimal path to societal advancement. It is however, a means to progressive goals, total government, centrally managed economy, (by professional bureaucrats), and establishing atheism as the State religion. To that end, certain lies must be maintained, that socialism can work, that capitalism has failed, that the group defines and surpasses the individual, etc… One doesn’t mention these truths.

Politically correct speech is a form of thought control, socially enforced thought control, moreover it forces us to lie, thus opening the door to more lies. What is speech but the outward manifestation of our thoughts. Control what we say and you control what we think. If we are not allowed to debate a subject we can then be made to believe even the most absurd thing about it. Ignorance weakens us to the point we can be manipulated by the simplest of ploys. That it is socially enforced makes it all the more pernicious. Such manipulations by their tenacity can hold people from speaking the truth for generations. Simply by claiming that a truth that is painful must not be spoken, one is insuring that pain can never be addressed.

Societal lies lead to gulags. It is as simple as that. In Solzhenitsyn’s the Gulag Archipelago, he essentially says it. A gulag need not be physical, nor does it necessarily need to be in Siberia, we can create little gulags in our own minds. Gulags that we enforce upon ourselves to keep politically correct. Yet even as we keep silent about evil, that evil grows and becomes all the more difficult to face. So in our cowardice we remain silent… and the evil metastasizes and eventually, we end up physically, in a gulag for real. One only need look at history, politically incorrect history to be sure, but the proof is in history. Political correctness is a lie that lets evil grow, once that evil has grow sufficiently, the mask comes off and the gulags open for business.

Civilized people have no need of thought control, nor of tyrants who would enforce such on us. A civilized people do not come about from thin air, civilized people are educated. That the West has turned out uneducated, uncivilized people, manipulated by political correctness, is damning of our education system. It is never too late to become civilized. To do so one must learn politically incorrect history, debate politically incorrect subjects, use politically incorrect language if it makes a point, yet remain classy, speak with courtesy and practice the golden rule. Only civilized people can combat the pernicious, corrosive and manipulative reality of political correctness. The way to stop political correctness and all it’s negative effects, is for each of us to strive to become civilized.


John Pepin

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