The Distribution of Resources and Abortion

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the way a society, people or nation distributes it’s resources, determines the priorities of that society, people or nation. Our priorities, show their character and nature. Doctors, for example, are a very limited and valuable resource. Those qualified to be doctors, intellectually, are also very limited. Which makes ramping up the number of doctors difficult. So how do we distribute our valuable resource of doctors? It would appear that slaughtering babies is a top priority of our society, people and nation, since we have so many doctors doing abortions. There is around two thousand doctors performing abortions in the United States today. Those doctors could be saving lives… but take them instead. This suggests that taking life is a high priority for our society, people and nation.

Our priorities show what we value. You don’t spend money on something you don’t want… do you? Money is a limited resource, as are medical doctors. We don’t waste resources on things we don’t value. So we can say that we value abortion very highly. What we value illustrates who we are as people. Those who spend their money on frivolity are frivolous people, those who spend their money on charity are charitable people, and those who kill children are evil. Many people even value inanimate objects over living breathing human beings. There is a movie I have been told about, where a mother whips her daughter with a metal coat hanger… because she used a metal coat hanger on her dresses!!! (The story bothers me to this day). That evil woman values cloth more than her own child!

The nature of a people can be understood by their values. Sodom and Gomorrah had values. Theirs was hedonism. Even to the point of demanding Lot participate in the rape of the angels, who had visited Sodom to decide if it could be saved… thus sealing their own fate. Which shows their nature was selfish pleasure at the cost of everything else. Leading to their just destruction at the hands of God. Evil people, societies and nations have priorities that are evil. Abortion is just such an evil priority. How much cheaper would it be to go to a general practitioner, (GP), if an extra thousand GPs were distributed across our nation? How many lives could be saved if medical care was more widely available, because those doctors were saving lives rather than taking them?

During WWII, in 1944, the German Army Group Center was facing a huge Soviet offensive. They lacked sufficient ammunition to defend themselves. That ammunition was available in Germany. The Hungarian government however, had just fallen in a coup to a rabidly pro Nazi party, and the Jews who had been protected by Hungary’s former government, became available to be sent to the Death Camps. The Nazi party decided to use their trains, (rolling stock), to bring those Jews to be slaughtered, rather than resupply their troops. The result was the collapse of Army Group center and the greatest defeat of Germany in the war. This episode in human history highlights that the Nazi’s priorities were to kill Jews, rather than protect Germany, or win the war. This priority shows their nature was evil.

We have, as a primary value, the slaughter of babies, proven by how we distribute our doctors. We dispose of human beings like an old pair of shoes. How dead must we be inside, how empty of soul and how black in disposition, to have as a priority… abortion? So much so that we distribute such a valuable resource like medical doctors to it? What does that say about us as a people? If we had values that included human heartedness, we would ostracize any doctor who does abortion, just like we do a serial killer. For there is little difference between them. Anyone who could drown a living baby, is no better than a psychopath who rapes and murders little girls… except the psychopath has a mental illness. Is this really who we are.. evil people, who value evil above good?


John Pepin

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