When is War… War?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, you can tell there is a war being waged on a faction, idea or belief, when there is physical evidence of it. That is not to say that a war cannot be waged by propaganda, cultural inculcation and by the education system itself. These means however, do not lend themselves to the definition of war, as well as a burning school. The sight of actual destruction and it’s aftermath has a way of defining a movement. While propaganda and cultural inculcation are effective at undermining the will to fight, it is only in destroying the edifices… that an idea, faction or belief, can be utterly subjugated. The physical evidence of the submission of a nation, idea or belief is that bigotry against it is not only overlooked… it is promoted, even as their books, buildings and people burn.

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor… the US and the citizenry knew they were at war with Japan. The US government pumped out anti Japanese propaganda at a fever clip. Anti Japanese bigotry was not just overlooked, it was promoted! The Nazis didn’t lionize the Slavic people, they made them subhuman. No one who considers themselves civilized, wants to slaughter other civilized people, but barbarians, haters, fascists, Japs, Kulaks, Kafirs, infidels, Rebs, blue coats, red coats, etc… now, they are a thing you can get behind killing. You know you are winning because their places are burning to the ground. It is and has always been, the measure of the supremacy of a faction, that it’s edifices are sacrosanct while it’s enemy’s are tinder.

While post modernists like to justify violence based on their interpretation of past oppression, they tend to overlook present oppression, especially if that oppression is against a faction they detest. Which of course, makes post modernists hypocrites, but we already knew that. In fact, the progressive media covers up daily attacks against politically disfavored factions, even going to the extreme of creating hoaxes to vilify that same disfavored faction. In the case of WWII, Britain helped the US in the Pacific theater against Imperial Japan, we were what is called, allies in war. Every Japanese base need not be attacked by US forces, some were attacked by British ships. Both of which used propaganda to justify their attacks against Japanese assets.

Von Clausewitz said, “war is politics by other means…” Every war that has ever been has started by the struggle between ideas. From the Gauls invading Italy to Mao’s revolution, all wars start as the clash of ideas. Then some psychopath jumps out in front and whips people into a killing frenzy over it. The enemy becomes anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the “idea.” Dehumanizing the enemy just makes it easier to kill them. All it takes is for one side to go to war, for there to be war. Because while peace takes two it only takes one for war. Poland didn’t want to go to war with Nazi Germany in 1939… but they did. The idea may be as simple as Lebensraum, or as complex as how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but there is always an underlying conflict of ideas or beliefs.

War takes all forms, but it is only in the actual violence and destruction that it comes to full maturity. Once the enemy’s edifices are burning, his women fear for their virtue, the men dare not speak up and their children trained to hate themselves… that is when the war is in nearly won. Covering up and apologizing for atrocities, while creating atrocities to vilify the enemy, these are the actions of a good friend. The thing about war is, it doesn’t matter which side is right, but which one has the most zealous adherents, that is why human history is so filled with suffering. So… pity the poor idea, faction or belief that finds itself in the unenviable position, of having it’s children taught to hate themselves, their convictions vilified by the culture, silenced and their edifices in flames around them.


John Pepin

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