
Dear Friends,

I learned a new word yesterday, it is to Palter, or to tell the truth in a way such as to deceive. It is different from lying by omission, in that it is actively deceiving, while lying by omission is passive. It is different from lying by commission, in that no actual lie is told. This form of deceit fills the void between the two rather known forms of lying. The way one palters is to tell a truth that is out of context, time, or on a different level of observation. I wonder if the term could be extended to news organizations that use factually correct news stories, that actually give no useful information, but instead instill a sense of unease? They are engaging in telling a truthful story, that is intended to deceive, rather than enlighten… the very definition of paltering.

One such story I recently read, was that the US Pentagon has allocated one hundred thousand body bags, in case they are needed for the Kung flu. The story is, I am sure, factually true, but it is out of context and in a different frame of reference. The story suggests that there is an immediate need for one hundred thousand body bags, when the frame of reference is the future. Meanwhile the article put’s the idea into the mind of the unwary reader, that since the Pentagon is doing it now, it is needed now, but the actual context of the action is for a possible need. Therefore it is clear that such stories are intended to instill a sense of fear and suggestibility to the reader, but not enlighten or inform, which is using a truthful statement to deceive. Which, as we now know… is paltering.

Another set of examples are the stories of impending riots, civil unrest, lawlessness and anger, when there is none yet. Perhaps the “news outlet” is trying to warn us of possible dangers? Maybe, but if that is the case, why do the articles suggesting they are going on now? I suggest these news stories are instead trying to normalize violence. When someone is prone to such acts, especially if they believe they have no stake in society… when told there is rioting, from the same media, subconsciously lose responsibility, so they are more likely to riot. Such news stories are effectively stochastic terrorism, pointing out a target and sending a mob, while pretending one’s own hands are clean. The articles are out of context and in a different frame of reference… paltering.

There are many stories that suggest emergency rooms are full and that there is no where near enough equipment to handle the crowds. On the other hand, citizen journalists have gone to those same places and recorded they are deserted. How do we rectify these things? Is it possible the media reporting these things, are reporting that there will be shortages? Reporting the truth, out of the frame of reference people assume, with an eye to deceive us into panicking… paltering by definition. Which brings us to why? Why would the unbiased media try to manipulate us into self harm, by panicking and rioting? Only a mind reader knows. Some, however, would point to that alone as reason enough not to believe they are doing it. Those who know history… know better.

The constant drumbeat of stories designed to manipulate us into panic and anger fill our day. If we don’t watch TV or listen to radio, they appear in our email, Facebook feeds, Twitter links, Gabs and Instagrams. We are deluged by paltering. It caused the run on toilet paper. Paltering became a self fulfilling prophesy then, and can again. If we examine the “news” we are fed with a keen eye, we will notice the unbiased media not only lies by omission and commission, but most often by paltering… a factually correct story, told out of context, intended to deceive. In the end, we will know if panicking was the right move, until then, it might be best to use reason to detect when someone is manipulating us by paltering… rather than running on the nitro methane of fear and anger.


John Pepin

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