Packing the Court

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when it comes to the democrats packing the Court, everyone is missing the elephant in the room. I hear pundits argue that republicans will just repack the Court next time they are in charge, and so forth. The real problem, the existential threat of packing the Court is, it will be the end to the Constitution as a limiting document. Our Constitution will no longer have any power to restrain the elite from whatever pathological idea that pops into their heads. Packing the court would allow the power mad faction that does it, to simply declare that their actions no matter how despotic, are “constitutional,” and they will have a majority on the Supreme Court that says so. Packing the Court would replace the US Constitutional system of government with a despotic oligarchy.

Many on the left think, if they pack the courts, the oligarchy will make it rain candy, and we will give up our cars for flying unicorns. They ignore the lessons of history… largely because they were never taught them. Those who should know better, pretend real Marxism has never been tried and so, this time… millions will not be murdered by their own government. This time, it will work out because they are so much smarter than Robespierre, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mao, Kim, Fidel and Hugo. This time, due to their supremacy over the common run of man, they will create utopia. A utopia where wealth will come to people without work, thought or action. No one will starve and no one will have to labor in the fields either. All progressives have this type of arrogant and naive bent.

While progressives believe wholeheartedly, that their leaders are saints cut from the purest silk cloth, they entertain extreme skepticism about everything and everyone else. When confronted with proof of malfeasance of their leaders, a good progressive will refuse to look at it, instead, without examination, declaring the information to be fake news. History that is inconvenient is erased, scandals by progressives are flushed down the memory hole, and democrat crimes are never punished. The mindset of a democrat is hard for a rational person to understand. This extreme dichotomy, between absolute trust and total skepticism, is as contradictory as it is hypocritical. I suppose it is because the lie glitters, while the truth is ugly, and they would rather embrace the glittering lie than the ugly truth.

Which brings us to packing the courts. For someone to go along with such a demonic idea, they would have to be arrogant, naive, and hold contradictory ideas without cognitive dissonance, making them hypocrites. Can you imagine the reaction of those who want to pack the court and establish absolute power over us… to being disenfranchised like that themselves? The streets would erupt with their fury. Because they have first hand knowledge of the workings of the mind, of someone who would dis empower others to that extent, and know what they would do. Shuddering at the thought of it being done to them. These are the people who, if they win big, will remove the guardrails of our constitutional republic. With total power in the hands of diabolical naive hypocrites.

Do you really think if given total power such psychopaths would ever allow another faction to wield it? Of course not! They would burn it all to the ground before ever allowing another to have it. Making the argument that republicans would just repack the court… moot. All other political parties will be outlawed. Instead of people fleeing to the US to escape despotism, we would flee from the US, to escape another Mao and his modern Red Guard’s atrocities. Mao said, Power grows from the barrel of a gun, and today’s Democrat leaders echo it. Showing they are cut from the same cloth… and it aint silk. Once installed, regardless if democrat voters like what their saintly despots do, or not, it will be too late. Because democrats, in their arrogant naivete, demanded overlords today.


John Pepin

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