Bypassing the First Amendment

Dear Friends,

It seems astounding to me, how the progressive faction has managed to get around the First Amendment to our Constitution, so handily. Pretty sly of them. By contracting out their censorship and propaganda to the private sector, the progressive faction can silence any story they want. The absolute proof, beyond any reasonable argument, is the tech monopolies and MSM spiking and censoring the Biden scandal. They have indeed gone to great lengths to silence that story. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc… malevolently censoring it. While the MSM, when they do mention it, call it debunked, or dubious. The scandal in and of itself is shocking but the censorship of it is terrifying. It is alarming to be faced with the choke hold the progressive faction has on the flow of information.

The scandal itself is mere fraud, influence peddling, bribery, perjury and money laundering. Run of the mill crimes. That they were done at such a high level, and there is incontrovertible proof in the form of Hunter Biden’s emails, shows systemic corruption. If the Bidens are subject to the law, they would be prosecuted… yet they have not been. Democrats are fond of saying, No one is above the law… as they break the law with impunity. Biden’s son Hunter, sold his influence to Burisma getting a prosecutor fired, to the CCP for 10 million a month for “introductions,” and in a myriad of other ways. Joe Biden, despite lying and saying he knew nothing, subverted his authority, to forward the desires of the people who had paid him and his son to do so. Epic in scope but mundane in plot. The censoring of it though…

The First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees us the Right of free speech. I was taught that in school. It is common knowledge among Americans… or was. The government had no ability to censor an American… especially if we are addressing grievances to our government. The progressives, in their conniving, have figured out a way around that provision by outsourcing their censorship to the tech giants. Who in turn, due to their ownership of almost all main stream media, control them as well. The progressives have legislated their gatekeepers immunity from any lawsuit, and the courts inflating that immunity absolutely. Creating a progressive controlled monopoly on speech. They decide what we are allowed to say in our private conversations and thereby control what we think.

Granting themselves, or rather their proxies, complete immunity from lawsuits no matter how egregious their transgressions against the Constitution, free speech, society or justice… gives progressives power to control the narrative. It is the confluence of the progressive control of the courts, corporations and the bureaucracy that allowed them to create this workaround. It has been reported that the CIA helped start Google. Instead of creating a ministry of truth, progressives outsourced that job to the private sector. Like Google. Then gave them carte blanche immunity from lawsuits, placed above the law, and even our Constitution… in an effort to stop “fake news.” Progressives have managed to bypass our Constitution on it’s most fundamental level this way. Pretty Machiavellian of them.

That’s 1984 right there. We have a bureaucracy, that decides what can and cannot be said, based on how it effects the political establishment. It just resides outside government and therefore any Constitutional limitations. Leading to tyranny of both the body and the mind. Doublethink is commonplace in our main stream media today as is outright censorship. Mansplaining is evil but all sexes are exactly the same, all cultures are equal except Western civilization which is singularly evil, science is god except for biology, communism has never been tried, etc… The examples of modern Doublethink are rife. We are even monitored in our own homes by our “smart devices.” If we haven’t achieved Orwell’s nightmarish vision just yet, give the progressive faction this election, and we will be.


John Pepin

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