On Julian Assange

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our acquiescence to the government’s of the world persecution of Julian Assange, for shining a light into the dark recesses of our utterly corrupt government’s, and their outright criminal actions… shows that we accept arbitrary rule. Attacking the messenger, for telling us bad news is often easier than addressing the bad news itself, and that is what we are doing here. Instead of looking at the deeply disturbing revelations that Wikileaks has uncovered… our unbiased media, governments, elite and anyone else caught with their hand in the cookie jar, attack the messenger, to distract from the message. Allowing evil people to hide their actions by attacking anyone who exposes them… is how great civilizations crumble. Is that really where we want our civilization to go?

The default setting for all government must be openness. As I have written before. The more light shone on government then, necessarily, the less corruption there will be. Those with a stake in the corruption however, (and don’t think for a second that there are not thousands of people, maybe even you, who have a stake in the corruption), will have a thousand reasons not to stop it, or at the most, trim it around the edges, taking out the most egregious violators. National security is always at the top of the list of “legitimate” reasons the workings of government must be kept secret. Those rascally Russians you know! When the reality is, the Russians and Chinese have complete sets of plans for everything we have ever built, nothing is secret from them… only us.

Julian Assange pried open some of the darkest places in government, exposing them to antiseptic light. That my friends is unacceptable, since the elite make so much money and wield so much power, from those caves of perpetual shadow. Put yourself in the place of the elite. If you were making millions of dollars a year, manipulating the price of stocks for example, would you want that lucrative side deal stopped? Let alone face punishment for it? If you are honest with yourself, you have to answer no, because only a saint would answer yes, and a saint would not get into that predicament in the first place. The light Assange shone in those long dark recesses… burned. Like sunlight burns a vampire, we all know how vampires loath the light, corrupt governments are no different.

It is persecution when someone is being made an example of and prosecution when law is applied blindly. When you are randomly picked up for speeding, that is law being blind, when the police target you rather than other speeders, even though some are going faster, law is no longer blind. This is so obvious. Can you imagine the government arresting Bill Moyer for a 60 minutes piece? The media that claims to be unbiased would snap their aorta saying, First Amendment! Yet others who have done exactly the same thing have been prosecuted… for what 60 minutes does? How does that follow? Freedom of the press only applies to some? Because 60 Minutes is a stooge of the corrupt government, it is not unbiased. We have even recently discovered… the media is largely a tool of the CIA!

Whenever someone is involved in a nefarious scheme, and it is found out, they point at the person who discovered it as the real enemy. The lucifarian elite did it before, when Planned Parenthood was discovered to be torturing babies to death, because it is more profitable, then illegally selling the parts. Instead of attacking Planned Parenthood for breaking the law so openly and without remorse, the government prosecuted the people who showed the world the evil… not the evil doers! The exact same thing is happening here. Instead of prosecuting those who broke the law, the governments of the world are persecuting the man who had the chutzpah, to expose it. If we allow this travesty of justice, we will be telling our psychopathic elite, they can do anything they want… and they will.


John Pepin

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