Globalism Versus Nationalism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, globalists of the one world government ilk, have invested a huge amount of money and energy in their conniving, in expectation of a munificent payout. Since their profit will be at our loss, the globalists need to stifle debate and get their scheme through, else the world will wake up to their machinations. They have invested billions buying politicians, controlling strategic positions of power and manipulating the media. The payoff will be nothing short of the total enslavement of humanity. Imagine the profit to be made! Billions of people live or die at the whim of our globalist masters, our entire productivity given to them, our children theirs for whatever they want, and all of humanity will be a conglomeration of lab rats. The best part is that class mobility will cease.

One of their more shady tricks was that globalists changed the definition of nationalist, from one who believes in the nation state… to bigot. Quite a coup that. In one fell swoop, they made everyone who believes in the nation state, by definition, a racist murdering bigot. Of course a Venn diagram of all racists, would both include globalists as well as nationalists, probably globalists to a much greater extent since elitism is a function of globalism, but that doesn’t matter. The globalists have managed to make those who seek liberty for the human race as the bad guys. The media dutifully uses the label nationalist interchangeably with racist. So, what is Nationalism, or more to the point, what did it used to mean?

Nationalism used to mean a person who favors the nation state. While a globalist is one who favors a one world government or free trade. It is therefore possible to be a nationalist globalist. Believing in both the nation state and international free trade. Nationalists believe in a myriad of nations, each a little laboratory, in which various kinds of governance can be tested. Those with the most efficient governance will flourish while those with defective governments will collapse. This has led to a steady improvement of human governance over the millennia. The plethora of nations is like a vibrant ecosystem of human governments, each working to improve itself relative to the rest, while a one world government would be like killing everything on the planet… but cockroaches.

Globalists, (like anyone selling a fraud) would rather vilify their foes than engage in debate. The real question isn’t, are people who prefer the nation state to the globalist vision, necessarily racists and bigots… it is, is the nation state better or worse for humanity? This question however is far too dangerous to the globalists. Under a global government, even one that is as perfect as human beings can make it… over time will become ever more oppressive. That is the natural evolution of all human governments, and all innovations in governance, from democracy to constitutionalism, are ways to stifle that predilection of government. So inevitably, the global government, no matter how well thought out, must become tyrannical… but then where will people flee to escape it?

Under the nation state system, if one nation becomes tyrannical, destroys it’s economy or engages in genocide, there are other nations people can run to. Under a one world government, there will be no place to run, but isn’t that the point? Socialists claim socialism hasn’t worked because of the nation state system. They say it can only work when the whole world is forced into socialism… because there will be no escape. People will have to make it work then. There will be no examples of nations where people are free and prosperous, to discourage the masses, due to their oppression and want. No one will know any better because information will be much easier to control under the globalist scheme. So it seems clear that the globalists need to vilify their foes… else the globalist scheme will be stopped.


John Pepin

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