Obama’s Corruption and a Numa…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, all the political problems we have today, could have been put to rest long ago if we had a Numa, or Forth Branch. If Obama had a Numa to deal with, he couldn’t have exploited his power to target Tea Party groups and silence them, he couldn’t have infected reporters computers with malware to keep tabs on them, he couldn’t have got away with selling weapons to Mexican drug cartels and blaming innocent gun dealers for it, Obama would have faced consequences for jailing a film maker to protect a lie, nor could Obama have used the foreign surveillance courts to spy on his political rivals. That Obama did, and got away with it, is why we are in a Constitutional crisis today. It is simply not possible for a government to become that corrupt and it not generate a constitutional crisis.

If there was a Numa we would know if there was indeed collusion. A Numa, like a local police force, would investigate the crime no matter where it led. They would not investigate individuals with the intent to destroy them. Russian collusion is what the elite sold us, why we need Mueller to investigate the Trump White House, yet he has only looked into tax evasion, failing to register as a foreign lobbyist and other crimes unrelated to collusion. Moreover, he has overlooked clear evidence of collusion in the Steele Dossier, and the shadowy Russians that were paid to come up with it’s most salacious tidbits. Which makes any reasoning person wonder if the entire Mueller investigation is set up to destroy political enemies, republicans, to cover up democratic corruption?

A Numa would have held Obama to the law and our Constitution… regardless if the media and elite cheered his extra constitutional activities, as they did. Obama loves to taut his is the only administration not to have a scandal in decades. Ignoring the multitude of scandals, that would have utterly collapsed the careers of a republican, who was caught doing them. Can you imagine a republican getting a free pass for not knowing how many states are in the US? Dan Quayle was crucified for misspelling potato! What if a republican used the IRS to silence democrat 401c3s, before an election, changing the very outcome of the election because of it? Would that be cool? It was when Obama did it. A Numa would hold both parties, indeed all parties in a multi party system, to the same standard.

Imagine how much money would be saved if the Mueller investigation wasn’t happening? Think about how much more effective, efficient and answerable our government would be, if corruption were ferreted out? The cost of a Numa would pale in comparison to the savings let alone the improvement in legislation. Billion dollar boondoggles would be much harder to get through, if everything government did was public by default, regulations written by cronies would be laughed out, when there are no curtains to hide behind, and the laws would be better considered if they are passed by people who know they will be held to every dotted I and crossed T in them… themselves. Election to public office would no longer be winning the lottery, it would mean public service.

Today government is by psychopaths for psychopaths. Within the warrens of the bureaucracy, especially in the security agencies, people are untouchable, unaccountable and have a “license” to kill. Our elected politicians write huge loopholes in the law to enrich themselves at the cost to everyone else, and why shouldn’t they, we certainly don’t hold them to our Constitution, let alone their own laws. Why should they bend to patsies? Had Clinton won the last election, Obama’s unconstitutional and criminal activities would have gone totally unnoticed. That he didn’t win is why we are discovering the FBI and DOJ were weaponized for political purposes. If we’d had a Numa, the FBI and DOJ couldn’t have been corrupted and weaponized in the first place. It’s time to openly debate a Numa.


John Pepin

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