Megalomaniac Management

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) only works if the leaders of the world aren’t mad as hatters. Sadly, our elites, proven by their actions, are as stupid as they are corrupt. They’re literally contemplating surviving a nuclear war. Russia has nuclear survival bunkers, for the civilian population, and the US has bunkers for the elites. Providing a contingency plan in the case of the elite’s failure. For over seventy years, the fall back of bunkers to protect from fall out, was considered too absurd to be taken seriously. So, the world was kept from a nuclear war, by the elite on both side’s self interest. Today’s elite lack common sense, morality and perspective. They don’t understand that nuclear war isn’t survivable, even for them in their opulent bunkers. Blowing up the world isn’t a sustainable plan.

MAD kept the US and USSR from going to open war… because for all their rhetoric the leaders of the USSR and US for the most part, were sane. Both ideologically captured, but with sufficient common sense to know better than to blow up the world. Today we have petulant children running the planet. George Judas Goat Soros is nearly a century old, and dates people at his level of maturity, nineteen year olds. Klaus The Varmint Schwab may transfuse baby blood to keep his youthful appearance, at eighty five, but someone that evil can’t be any more aware than a toddler. Moreover, the myriad of NGOs and think tanks that run the West are filled with eggheads, who’s ears ring from the echo chamber they reside. Their stupidity is why the US is at undeclared war on three fronts.

There are few people who would argue giving crazy people fully automatic weapons is a good idea. The very same people who would deny citizens the Right to own a gun, would give ultimate power to insane megalomaniacs without empathy, humanity or morality… who consider themselves our betters. People who would exploit law to forward a anti human political ideology, to such a degree as to sully the people’s opinion of the law, our courts and the State, shouldn’t run a hem, let alone the world. Put it this way, if the people in charge were on the up and up, why are they covering up the Epstein flight logs? Other then most of them were involved with the pedophilia, prostitution or God knows what else? Pedophiles, perverts and whore mongers with nukes, how could that go wrong?

Our leaders are not only crazy but they consider themselves our betters. What’s the mindset of someone who censors another? Not the feeling of equality… superiority. The premise of all censorship, especially when “fact checkers,” use terms like misinformation and disinformation… is the censor is smarter, wiser and more moral than the speaker. So much more so, that the censor is obligated to silence opinions they find obnoxious, lest a listener hear them and be deceived. Only the omniscient can be that smart and wise, while only God himself is that moral… therefore, the censors overestimate their intellect, wisdom and ethics to such a degree they discredit themselves. People with a lack of self awareness at that level, are dangerous, especially when handed the ability to blow up the world.

MAD only works when the world is run by sane people… ours is run by delusional megalomaniacs. People without an ethic in their souls who believe themselves to be moral supermen, who are actually immature, arrogant, pedophiles and whore mongers who’ve violated their obligations and exploited their authority to undermine the cultures, societies and nations they’re duty bound to protect… have nuclear weapons. The US is in an undeclared war on three fronts, Ukraine, Syria and Gaza/Yemen. Soon a Fourth front may open up… in Taiwan, with another nuclear armed power. Meanwhile the US is funding wars across the planet. Each war and front another proof of failure of the elite. Now it’s time to take the toys away, and put the kids to bed, before someone loses a world.


John Pepin

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