Is Democracy Still a Thing?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the revelation that Google manipulates search results, to beguile people into voting for progressives and socialists… renders democracy obsolete. It is as diabolical as it is criminal. Dnesh D’Souza was sentenced to jail, for giving an extra 10 grand to a candidate, imagine how much worse, to swing up to 4.5 million votes nationally, by manipulating search results!? Google’s machinations may be the reason the democrats control the House of Representatives! The fact Google has the ability to twist elections, calls into question our very democracy itself. Because, how can we make self interested choices who should represent us in government, if we are manipulated into voting for whomever the elite want? We cannot, which diminishes democracy to a rubber stamp for our oppressors.

The way Google was caught, is that a researcher, Robert Epstein, set up a network of viewers, similarly to the way Neilson rates TV shows. They kept track of the results of their searches on Bing, Yahoo and Google, To the best of my knowledge they didn’t track Duckduckgo’s bias. The research showed that while Yahoo and Bing rated unbiased, Google rated very biased… to an extraordinarily high correlation. This, according to Dr. Epstein, gave the democrats between 800,000 to 4,600,000 votes nationally. In many close elections that is more than enough to swing an election. Epstein calls it the Search Engine Manipulation Effect, (SEME). This he explains effects “moderate republicans” to the greatest degree. Which gives this form of vote rigging a leveraged effect against republicans!

Dr. Epstein says that most people believe the results of a search are organic, and so assume that the results fairly and honestly reflect the facts of the matter… when nothing could be further from the truth! (As in the case of Google). This sneaks whatever message the search engine manipulator wants past the mind’s internal bias detector. Moreover, since search results are generally ephemeral, the manipulations are extremely difficult to detect. It was only by Dr. Epstein’s direct recording of them, via the Neilson method, that allowed the statistical analysis to be done. What it amounts to is, that the good doctor has proven Google’s manipulations swung the election in several republican districts, in California, to democrats, suggesting many more were thrown nationwide.

Ostensibly, the reason for campaign finance laws, is so one faction cannot get an underhanded advantage on the others. Google’s ability to exploit it’s monopoly status in search engines, to change the outcome of elections, makes campaign finance laws moot. Like making BB guns illegal while allowing Thompson machine guns. Campaign finance laws become irrelevant, who cares how much money a candidate has to spend, if Google can hide their message and only show voters propaganda pushing one side. Heck, given that ability, why even have elections anyway? They are just a sham, a fraud perpetrated on voters, to give us the appearance of democracy. When appearances don’t match reality, everyone lies to themselves, and a human catastrophe is always shortly at hand.

As far as I know, there has never been a democrat punished for campaign finance infractions, (despite being caught in some doozies), but several well known republicans have, which suggests campaign finance laws are arbitrarily applied. This fact, on it’s face, is evidence that campaign finance laws are really a means to suppress republican electability. Unless this is stopped, now that the progressive faction controls the monopoly search engine, and is exploiting it to commit election fraud with impunity, we can expect a rapid descent into oppression. There has never been a time, when a faction became all powerful, that oppression and suffering on a munificent scale didn’t follow. I do wonder though… if the Google vote manipulation story is why Mueller released the report on Friday?


John Pepin

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