Abetting Genocide… How Progressive!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, hiding genocide, abets genocide, and as such makes two crimes against humanity. Now genocide is thrown around a lot today. Progressives claim that not believing in the fraud of anthropogenic climate change, is tantamount to genocide, which diminishes the power of the word. Even as progressives and the progressive media see no evil, when hundreds of Christians are slaughtered weekly in Nigeria, when Catholics are bombed in their churches in the Philippines, or even when the Imperial Chinese government bulldozes churches to the ground, to say nothing about the unending stream of antisemitic attacks, yet, in the only mass terrorist attack against a mosque in my lifetime, they are wall to wall coverage of it. Almost as if the progressive media believes that some lives are more equal than others, or are pushing a false narrative?

Violence itself is a direct violation of the Golden Rule. I think anyone civilized can agree that violence is wrong… unless in self defense. This is self evident because no one who visits violence on another would accept violence visited on him or herself. Showing that those who use violence are hypocrites who do not follow the Golden Rule. The Christchurch shooter(s) certainly wouldn’t want someone showing up, and killing them and their loved ones at a national socialist rally, yet they were happy to visit that evil on others. The subhumans who slaughtered the Nigerian Christians, many by burning them to death, would be very upset to hear that Nigerian Christians had burned their loved ones to death. Showing their hypocrisy and that they do not follow the Golden Rule.

People who hold human life in equal esteem show it by their actions, as those who hold some as more important, also show it by their actions. We know that people cannot be trusted to always tell the truth and most of us understand that actions speak louder than words. Someone can brag, they love popcorn, but if confronted with some they cover their nose and run from the room, we can reliably say they do not really like popcorn. The media is the same. No matter how loudly the progressive media argue they are unbiased, their biased reporting belies that claim. How can we rectify the difference between the reporting on the systematic genocide of African Christians, the bombing of Christian churches, the daily antisemitic attacks in Europe and the US, with that of the Christchurch attack?

The reporting about a national socialist killing innocents, is as much about pushing a false narrative as about ginning up sympathy for new oppressive laws, and unequal treatment of people based on their group affiliation. Already there are reports of people turning in their legal firearms in New Zealand. An odd thing, because those who turn in their weapons are the people least likely to use them in an attack, they are the ones most likely use them to stop an attack. While those who hide their weapons are those most likely to act out violently or sell firearms to those who will. Which leads us to believe that stopping terrorist attacks cannot be the goal, empowering terrorists to attack… must be. If we are to believe what the progressive media wants, by their actions, rather than their rhetoric.

Why would the progressive media hide the systematic genocide of Christians in Africa? Why would they not report with equal gusto about a church bombing in the Philippines that killed 20 Catholics? Why not report about the oppression of Christians in Imperial China? Why not report about the daily attacks against Jews around the world? Do those lives matter less than the people at that Mosque? Ask yourself, what group are they trying to garner sympathy for, and what groups are the progressive media vilifying? An honest answer will be startling. The very groups that are targeted for extermination are the ones the progressive media vilify, and those doing the slaughtering, are the ones the progressive media are trying to garner sympathy for. Abetting genocide… how progressive!


John Pepin

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