How We Can Fight ESG

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we can force corporations to drop ESG (Environment, Social and Governance), a globalist means to the great reset and the new world order. How? By contacting corporations and demanding they drop ESG, looking up people recommended for the boards of directors to find if they promote ESG and sell companies, funds, etc… that are involved. If you own a share in a company, you have a right to address the CEO, board and annual meeting. You are the owner and they are your employees. If one of many owners demand a stop to ESG, the CEO will probably trust his elitist gut, but if many owners demand an end to ESG, the executives will puke it up. If those demands are backed up by a drop in share value, should they not be met… rest assured, no CEO will fail to bend.

ESG is a scheme to corrode the West from within. The elite are almost all on board with it. Because nothing is more sanitary than pooping where you eat. Under the ESG regime of oppression, the supply chain has broken down, inflation is being driven up relentlessly, the CCP is being propped up with our money, censorship is a feature and anything that is good is perverted from within. All in a pathological attempt to fundamentally change America. You and I understand that if the globalists succeed in their plan to remake the world into an unlimited, inescapable and unaccountable global administrative state, the dystopia that follows will make North Korea look like heaven. That’s why we must fight tooth and nail to expose it, rid our corporations of it, and alienate the elite from it.

A closed end fund I own is Reaves Utility, UTG. It is a fund that invests in utilities and pays a good monthly dividend. A retired person stock. I just received the proxy statement from the board of directors. One of the two people they recommend is an ESG advocate. He has written extensively on ESG. [Turns out I might have been wrong, UTG assured me they are not pro ESG] Which makes perfect sense, because if you are trying to ruin a nation, destroying the utilities from within would be ideal. Moreover, the “shareholders,” lets call them the marks, will pay for the obliteration of their investment with a malignancy. Introduced by the board of directors. The very people who’s fiduciary duty is to protect our investment. As a result, if that ESG guy gets in, I will liquidate every share I own, and I suggest anyone else who owns UTG do so as well.

UTG is not the only fund that ESG is oozing into. There are many REITS and ETFs, etc… that are surreptitiously becoming advocates of ESG. It is like a cancer. Vanguard claims they have eschewed all association with ESG but I wonder if that is not a scam. The fact is, the elite lie without consequence, whether to us or under oath. Since ESG is the favored policy of the brain washed elite, its advocates are not only pervasive but intolerant. Once ESG gets a foot in the door, it eliminates push back, with character assassination and social ostracism. It is to the point that in our corporate board rooms, no one dares speak out against ESG, lest they become pariahs. That is where we come in, a deluge of angry letters from shareholders against ESG, will grow a spine on a jellyfish.

You have far more power than you realize. If you truly want to force ESG out of our corporations, then all you need do is buy a single share of a stock, and write letters to the executives telling them where you stand. If you own stocks that become entangled in ESG, let the CEO know why you are selling your shares. If we all become insurgent shareholders, and advocate against ESG, even the most intransigent boards will have to bend. They are after all, our employees, not our rulers, we own those companies, we are not subjects of them. The executives and boards might like to think they are our superiors… because they have gone utterly insane. Let’s splash a little cold water on their faces. If we do, ESG will be upended and with it, the globalist plan for world domination.


John Pepin

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